Free Resolution Template



Free Resolution Template

Recycling Program Resolution



WHEREAS, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is aware of the growing environmental challenges and is committed to integrating sustainable practices into its operations;

WHEREAS, the development, implementation, and maintenance of a company-wide recycling program is seen as a key strategy to realize this objective;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Boards of Directors of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], as follows:

1. That [YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall establish a comprehensive Recycling Program, which includes but is not limited to recycling of paper, plastic, metal, electronics, and glass;

2. That the Chief Sustainability Officer, Jackson Lloyd, be appointed to oversee the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Recycling Program. This includes educating all employees, conducting regular audits to ensure compliance, and continuously improving the said program;

3. That a sufficient budget be allocated under the discretion of the Chief Sustainability Officer for the infrastructure, awareness campaigns, and other necessary components of the Recycling Program;

4. That the Recycling Program be implemented no later than March 1, 2050;

5. That [YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall collaborate with local government units, recycling service providers, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure the success and sustainability of the Recycling Program.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this resolution are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict.

ADOPTED this January 18, 2050.

Carter Hall



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