Free Finance Payroll Assessment Template



Free Finance Payroll Assessment Template

Finance Payroll Assessment

This assessment aims to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of the payroll system within [Your Company Name]. It will identify any discrepancies, compliance issues, and areas for improvement.

A. Employee Data Verification:

  • Total Employees: _______

  • Employee Types (Check all that apply):

  • Full-time

  • Part-time

  • Contractual

Verification Completed by: [Your Name and Position]

B. Payroll Calculation Assessment:

Deductions (List):

  • Tax Withholdings

  • Benefits

  • Other Deductions

Net Pay Calculations Verified:

  • Yes

  • No

C. Compliance Check:

Labor Laws Compliance:

  • Minimum Wage

  • Overtime

  • Others (Specify): _______

Tax Regulations Compliance:

D. Disbursement Audit:

Payment Methods (Check all used):

  • Direct Deposit

  • Checks

  • Others (Specify): _______

Payment Schedule:

  • Bi-weekly

  • Monthly

Unauthorized Payments: Check for any discrepancies or unauthorized transactions.

E. Record Keeping & Reporting:

  • Payroll Records: Ensure all payroll records are maintained accurately and are easily accessible.

  • Reporting: Regularly review and report payroll summaries, tax reports, and any discrepancies to management.

F. Recommendations & Action Plan:

  • Provide a list of identified issues, risks, and recommendations.

  • Develop an action plan with timelines to address each recommendation.

G. Approval:

Assessment Completed by: [Your Name], [Your Position/Designation]

Reviewed and Approved by: [Management/Supervisor]

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