Free Employee Recognition Survey HR Template



Free Employee Recognition Survey HR Template

Employee Recognition Survey


Welcome to the Employee Recognition Survey at [Your Company Name]. This survey is designed to gather feedback from employees regarding recognition and appreciation within the company.



The purpose of this Employee Recognition Survey is to:


     Understand how employees perceive the recognition and appreciation programs in place.

     Identify areas of improvement in the recognition process.

     Ensure that our recognition initiatives align with the preferences and expectations of our employees.


Survey Objectives

This survey aims to:


     Assess the effectiveness of current recognition programs.

     Gauge the level of satisfaction among employees regarding recognition efforts.

     Gather suggestions and feedback on potential improvements.


Survey Questions

Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback by answering the following survey questions honestly and openly. Your responses are valuable to us.


Employee Name

[Your Name]

Employee Email

[Your Email]


Survey Questions

Kindly answer all questions honestly, and make sure that you’re conducting the survey in a private room without distractions or interruptions. Kindly submit your responses to the respective HR representative.


On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the current recognition and appreciation programs at [Your Company Name]?

  •         1  (Very Dissatisfied)

  •         2 (Dissatisfied)

  •         3 (No Answer)

  •         4 (Satisfied)

  •         5 (Very Satisfied)


What types of recognition or appreciation have you received or witnessed in the past year? (Check all that apply)

  •     Verbal praise

  •      Written thank-you notes

  •      Employee of the Month recognition

  •      Awards or certificates

  •      Bonuses or incentives

  •      Team celebrations (e.g., parties, lunches)

  •     Others (please specify):




Have you ever received constructive feedback along with recognition? (Yes/No)

  •     Yes

  •    No


Do you believe the recognition programs are fair and equitable? (Yes/No)

  •    Yes

  •    No


What suggestions do you have for improving the recognition and appreciation programs at [Your Company Name]?




Would you like to recognize a colleague or team for their outstanding contributions? If yes, please provide details:

  •     Yes

  •      No


Colleague’s Name

Gerard Anderson

Reason for Recognition

Mr. Anderson’s unwavering dedication and willingness to collaborate consistently contribute to a positive work environment and the success of our projects.



All responses to this survey will be kept confidential. Individual responses will not be shared or linked to any employee's identity.


For any questions or concerns regarding the Employee Recognition Survey, please contact:


     Martha Jean


Thank you for participating in the Employee Recognition Survey.

Your feedback is essential in helping us create a workplace culture that recognizes and appreciates the contributions of every employee.

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