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Goal Achievement Report HR

Goal Achievement Report

Report Date

September 15, 2083

Report Period

Q3 2083

Goals Overview

Goal ID

Goal Name

Start Date

End Date

Assigned To


Increase product sales by 10%

Jul 1

Sep 30

Sales Team


Launch new website interface

Jul 1

Aug 15

Web Dev Team

Goal 001


  • Achieved

  • Partially Achieved

  • Not Achieved


  • Sales increased by 12% compared to Q2, surpassing the set goal by 2%. Promotions, combined with expanded online advertising, contributed significantly

Challenges Encountered

  • Initial slow response to the mid-quarter sales campaign

  • Supply chain issues during August

Learnings and Recommendations

  • Incentives work better when offered closer to the end of the quarter

  • Consider staggering promotions

Goal 002


  • Achieved

  • Partially Achieved

  • Not Achieved


  • The new website interface was developed and tested, but the launch was delayed due to some last-minute bugs. It's expected to be live by September 20th.

Challenges Encountered

  • Unexpected compatibility issues with older browsers

  • Delays in receiving finalized content for some sections

Learnings and Recommendations

  • Ensure thorough compatibility testing in the initial phase

  • Set content deadlines earlier in the project timeline

Overall Achievement Summary

While we managed to exceed our sales target, there were challenges in rolling out some of our digital assets on time. However, proactive measures ensured that critical business operations remained unaffected

Key Takeaways

  • The sales team demonstrated agility in adapting to changing market dynamics.

  • Digital projects need more buffer time to accommodate unforeseen challenges.

  • Improved inter-departmental communication can help preempt some of the challenges.

Approved by: [Name], [Position] [Date]

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