Free Feasibility Study Template



Free Feasibility Study Template

Feasibility Study: Cafe for Professionals and Small Business Owners

Executive Summary

The following report explores the feasibility of establishing a cafe designed specifically to cater to professionals and small business owners. The study scrutinizes various sections such as the project description, market analysis, financial feasibility, legal considerations, operational feasibility, potential risks, and recommendations. This comprehensive analysis provides a solid foundation upon which to make informed, strategic decisions.

Project Description

  • Create a cafe that serves as a conducive environment for professionals and small business owners

  • Provide high-quality food and beverages tailored to the preferences of the target market

  • Offer facilities and services that enable patrons to conduct business meetings and work-related activities

Market Analysis

  • Target Market: Professionals and small business owners ranging from 20 to 60 years old

  • Market Trends: Increasing demand for work-friendly cafes enabling networking and conducting business in a relaxed setting

Financial Feasibility


Estimated Cost







Initial Operating Expenses


Legal Considerations

  • Business registration and permits

  • Food and beverage licensing

  • Compliance with public health and safety regulations

Operational Feasibility

  • Optimal location to attract target customers

  • Adequate staffing levels for smooth operation

  • Reliable supply chain for continuous availability of food and beverages


Key risks include delays in construction or renovation, changes in market trends, potential legal or regulatory challenges, and operational difficulties. Strategies for mitigating these risks should be identified and implemented.


With thorough consideration of each aspect of the feasibility study, it is recommended that the project proceed to the next stage of business planning. Assuring thorough preparation and well-planned risk management, the cafe has the potential to carve a unique niche and appeal to professionals and small business owners in the target market.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

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