Free Finance Credit Resolution Template



Free Finance Credit Resolution Template

Finance Credit Resolution

BE IT RESOLVED, that this resolution is hereby enacted by the Board of Directors of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] on this [Day] day of [Month, Year], at our principal office located at [Company Address].

WHEREAS, [Your Company Name] has determined the necessity to reassess and update its credit and financing strategies to align with the changing economic environments and to support its growth and profitability objectives;

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has earned, recognized and considered the benefits and potential risks associated with making required alterations in the company's finance and credit strategies;

WHEREAS, thorough evaluation of the company's past and present financial activities, existing credit standing, and future fiscal targets has taken place.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of [Your Company Name] is granted the authority to implement and manage prudent and viable credit and finance facilities that match the strategic objectives and risk-bearing capabilities of our company."

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the [Chief Financial Officer] be hereby granted authority to negotiate, agree, and commit to the credit facilities and their terms, as deemed necessary by the financial needs of the company along with any other matters that arise out of or are incidental to executing the company’s finance and credit strategy.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that all actions, processes, and transactions executed by the [Chief Financial Officer], and any other authorized officers, in connection with all matters referenced in this Finance Credit Resolution, are hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed in all aspects.

CERTIFICATION: I, [Secretary's Name], the duly elected Secretary of [Your Company Name], hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the directors held on [Date], which resolution is now in full force and effect and is in accordance with the provisions of our constitution.

[Secretary's Name]