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Career Development Plan HR

Career Development Plan

Employee Name: John Urie

Job Position: Senior Marketing Analyst

Date: January 11, 2053



The Career Development Plan is designed to guide employees in their professional growth and development within [Your Company Name]. This document outlines the key developmental areas, goals, and strategies to achieve those goals, along with the necessary resources and timelines.



  1. Skill Enhancement: To improve current skills that are directly related to the job role.

  2. Career Progression: To prepare for a higher-level position or broader responsibilities within [Your Company Name].

  3. Personal Development: To focus on areas that contribute to overall well-being and job satisfaction.




Areas for Improvement

Areas for Improvement

Strong analytical skills and data interpretation





Skills Gap Analysis

In the Skills Gap Analysis, we identify the critical skills required for John Urie's role as a Senior Marketing Analyst at [Your Company Name]. Currently, he possesses proficiency in data analysis but aspires to reach an expert level. In addition, he aims to advance his market research skills from an intermediate to an advanced level. This analysis serves as the foundation for setting the developmental goals and actions necessary for his career growth.


Developmental Goals & Actions

In the Developmental Goals & Actions section, we outline John Urie's specific career development objectives and the steps he will take to achieve them. His primary goal is to become an expert in data analysis, and the actions to achieve this include attending data analysis workshops, completing online courses, and seeking mentorship from senior analysts. Additionally, he aims to enhance his presentation skills, with actions such as enrolling in a public speaking course and practicing presentations regularly. These goals and actions are crucial in guiding his professional development and skill enhancement.


Resources Required

Resource Type


Online Course

Access to data analysis courses







Time Period


Q4 2053

Become an expert in data analysis






Evaluation Metrics



Become an expert in data analysis

     Achieve 90% or higher accuracy in data analysis

     Receive positive feedback in presentation evaluations






Review & Update

This plan will be reviewed and updated quarterly.



By signing this Career Development Plan, both parties commit to the pursuit of the objectives and responsibilities outlined herein.






Meg Thompson

January 15, 2053

John Urie

January 15, 2053

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