Cross-training Evaluation HR

Cross-Training Evaluation

Employee Information

Name: Grace Dawson

Department: Sales

Job Title: Sales Representative

Date of Cross-Training: 09-12-2053

Cross-Training Details

Trainer’s Name: [Trainer’s or Manager’s Complete Name]

Training Location: Corporate Training Center

Cross-Training Period: August 01, 2053 -  August 12, 2053 

Cross-Training Objectives

Objectives: Improve knowledge of new product features.

Rating: 4

Comments: Grace demonstrated a good understanding of the new product features by the end of the training period.

Cross-Training Objectives

Objectives: Enhance negotiation skills.

Rating: 3

Comments: Grace showed improvement in negotiation skills but needs more practice to excel.

Cross-Training Objectives

Objectives: Learn to use the updated CRM system.

Rating: 5

Comments: Grace quickly adapted to the new CRM system and is now proficient in its use.

Skills Development


Skill 1. Sales Analytics

Skill 2. Product Knowledge

Rating: 4

Rating: 5

Comments: Grace has improved her ability to analyze sales data, which will benefit our team.

Comments: Grace's product knowledge is exceptional, making her a valuable resource for the team.


Skill 1. Communication

Skill 2. Teamwork

Rating: 5

Rating: 3

Comments: Grace's communication skills have improved significantly during the training.

Comments: Grace works well with the team but should focus on collaboration in challenging situations.

Overall Evaluation



  • Exceptional product knowledge

  • Quick adaptation to new technology

  • Strong analytical skills

  • Further improvement in negotiation skills

  • Enhanced teamwork in challenging scenarios


Grace should continue to attend advanced negotiation workshops to further enhance her skills. Additionally, she should actively participate in team-building exercises to improve collaboration during challenging situations.

Employee Comments

I found the cross-training experience very valuable and look forward to applying what I've learned in my role.

Manager’s Comments

Grace has made significant progress during the cross-training period, particularly in technical skills. Continued development in negotiation and teamwork will make her an even stronger asset to the team.

Employee and Manager Signatures

Employee's Signature: Manager’s Signature 

(signature) (signature)

Grace Dawson [Trainer/Manager’s Name]

Date: 09-12-2053 Date: 09-12-2053

HR Department Use Only

Cross-training Approved By: 


[Your Name]

HR Manager

Date of Approval: September 13, 2053

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