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Finance Payment Collection Questionnaire

Finance Payment Collection Questionnaire

Use the checkboxes [✔] to indicate your responses. Your input is crucial in understanding and improving individual payment collection processes.

Company Information

Company Name: [Your Company Name]


  • Manufacturing

  • Services

  • Technology

  • Healthcare

  • Other (Specify): ________________

Number of Years in Business: [5]


  1. What is your preferred method of generating invoices?

    • Manual (Written or Typed)

    • Electronic (Apps, Software)

    • Combination of Both

  1. How frequently are invoices issued?

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Occasionally

    • Other (Specify): ___________________

Payment Terms

  1. What are your standard payment terms for clients/customers?

    • Net 15 days

    • Net 30 days

    • Net 45 days

    • Other (Specify)

  2. Do you offer early payment discounts?

    • Yes

    • No

    • Occasionally (Specify Conditions)

Collection Procedures

  1. Describe your primary methods for collecting payments.

    • Bank Transfers

    • Credit/Debit Cards

    • Checks

    • Online Payment Platforms

    • Other (Specify): _____________

  1. How do you handle overdue payments?

    • Automated Reminders

    • Personalized Follow-up Calls

    • Late Payment Fees

    • Negotiation for Extended Terms

    • Other (Specify): _____________

Credit Policies

  1. Do you conduct credit checks on new clients/customers before extending credit?

    • Yes

    • No

  2. What criteria do you consider when determining credit limits for clients/customers?

    • Previous Payment History

    • Financial Statements

    • Credit Score

    • Industry Reputation

    • Length of Relationship

    • Other (Specify): _____________


  1. What challenges do you face in the payment collection process? 

    • Slow Payment Processing

    • Disputed Invoices

    • Inaccurate Client Information

    • Lack of Payment Communication

    • Other (Specify): ______________________

  2. How do you currently address these challenges? (Select all that apply)

    • Implementing Automation Solutions

    • Enhancing Communication Protocols

    • Offering Incentives for Timely Payments

    • Reviewing and Updating Billing Procedures

    • Other (Specify): ______________________