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Finance Audit Process Rubric

Finance Audit Process Rubric for [Your Company Name]

Document Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

This rubric is designed to guide and evaluate the finance audit process for [Your Company Name]. The document is divided into five key sections, each focusing on a critical aspect of the audit. Review and apply each section to ensure a thorough and effective audit process.






Planning & preparation

Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the finance audit process

Shows a solid understanding of the finance audit process

Provides a basic insight of the finance audit process

Shows little or no understanding of the finance audit process

Data collection and analysis

Collects and analytically evaluates all required data timely and accurately

Collects and evaluates most required data

Collects and evaluates some required data

Fails to collect or evaluate required data

Findings and conclusions

Accurately assimilates findings and draws logical conclusions

Generally correct assimilation of findings and conclusions

Somewhat correct assimilation of findings and conclusions

Inaccurate or illogical assimilation of findings and conclusions


Presents a detailed and accurate report integrating the brand's unique identity

Report is mostly accurate and somewhat integrates the brand's identity

Report is somewhat accurate but lacks integration with the brand's identity

Report is inaccurate and does not integrate the brand's identity


Exceptional follow-up ensuring all audit actions are finalized

Adequate follow-up, most audit actions are finalized

Some follow-up, some audit actions are left incomplete

Poor or no follow-up, most audit actions left incomplete

This integrated approach will create a compelling narrative that enhances and embodies the brand's unique identity.

Prepared by:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]
