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Workplace Bullying Report HR

Workplace Bullying Report

Reported By
: [Your Name]

Date of Report: September 20, 2050

Employee ID: 12345

Department: Marketing

Position: Marketing Manager

Incident Details

Date of Incident

September 18, 2050

Time of Incident

2:30 PM

Location: Office

Conference Room

Names Of Individuals Involved

Alleged Bully

Sarah Johnson

Employee ID (if known)


Department/Position (if known)

Sales Executive


Mary Brown

Employee ID (if known)


Department/Position (if known)

Marketing Coordinator

Description Of The Incident

During a departmental meeting in the conference room, Sarah Johnson repeatedly interrupted Mary Brown while she was presenting her marketing report. Sarah made derogatory comments about Mary's work, criticized her in front of colleagues, and used a condescending tone throughout the meeting. Mary appeared visibly upset, and the incident created an uncomfortable atmosphere in the room. Witnesses present during the meeting included Mark Davis and Lisa Anderson.

Witnesses (if any)

Witness 1

Mark Davis

Employee ID (if known)


Department/Position (if known)

Marketing Analyst

Witness 2

Lisa Anderson

Employee ID (if known)


Department/Position (if known)

Marketing Specialist

Additional Information

Mary has also shared emails sent by Sarah earlier this week, where Sarah made belittling comments about Mary's work and professionalism. These emails are attached as evidence.

Actions Taken So Far (if any)

I advised Mary to speak to our immediate supervisor, Michael Clark, about the incident. Michael has scheduled a meeting with both Mary and Sarah tomorrow to address the matter.

Desired Resolution

I believe a resolution should involve counseling for Sarah regarding appropriate workplace behavior and an apology to Mary for her behavior during the meeting. If necessary, further actions, such as mediation or disciplinary measures, should be considered based on the outcome of the meeting with Michael. 

I understand that submitting this report initiates an investigation into the matter and that my confidentiality will be maintained to the extent permitted by law and company policy. I acknowledge that providing false information in this report may result in disciplinary action.

Signature: [Your Signature]                     Date: September 20, 2050

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