Finance Mergers & Acquisitions Authorization Form
Finance Mergers & Acquisitions Authorization Form
Please provide accurate details about the transaction and obtain the required signatures from key stakeholders to confirm approval of the outlined financial terms.
Transaction Details
Transaction Type:
Target Company Information:
Legal Name: [Target Company Name]
Address: [Target Company Address]
Contact Person: [Target Company Contact Person]
Phone Number: [Contact Person Phone Number]
Email: [Contact Person Email]
Financial Terms
Purchase Price: [$2,00,000]
Payment Method:
Other (Specify): _______________
Contingent Considerations (Specify if any): ________________
Financial Compliance
The financial terms comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
Pending regulatory approval; specify expected date: ____________
Confidentiality and Risk Mitigation
Confidentiality Agreements:
Confidentiality agreements regarding financial information are in place.
Pending execution; specify expected completion date: ____________
Risk Assessment:
Financial risks have been assessed, and mitigation strategies are in place.
Pending assessment; specify expected completion date: ___________
Timeline and Milestones
Transaction Timeline:
Start Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]
Expected Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]
Due diligence completed.
Financial terms finalized.
Funding secured.
Regulatory approvals obtained.
By signing below, the undersigned acknowledges and approves the terms outlined in this form.
[CEO Name]
Chief Executive Officer, [Your Company Name]
[CFO Name]
Chief Financial Officer, [Your Company Name]
[Board of Director 1 Name]
Board of Director, [Your Company Name]
[Board of Director 2 Name]
Board of Director, [Your Company Name]
[Board of Director 3 Name]
Board of Director, [Your Company Name]