Free Cross-training Participation Slip HR Template



Free Cross-training Participation Slip HR Template

Cross-training Participation Slip HR

Employee Information:

Name: [Employee Name]

Department: [Department Name]

Employee ID: [ID Number]

Date of Request: [Date]

Cross-Training Details:

Cross-Training Program Title: [Cross-Training Program Title]

Cross-Training Start Date: [Start Date]

Cross-Training Supervisor: [Supervisor Name]

Cross-Training End Date: [End Date]

Reason for Cross-Training Request: 

To expand my skillset and contribute more effectively to the team.

Benefits Expected from Cross-Training:

Cross-Training Goals: 

Employee's Acknowledgment:

I understand that participating in this cross-training program is voluntary and may require adjustments to my regular work schedule. I am committed to fulfilling my responsibilities in both my current role and the cross-training program to the best of my ability.

Employee's Signature: [Signature]

Date: [Date Signed]

Supervisor's Approval:

[Supervisor's Comments on the cross-training request, if any]

Supervisor's Signature: [Signature]

Date: [Date Signed]

HR Department Use Only:

Cross-Training Program Approval: [Approved / Not Approved]


[HR Department Comments on the cross-training program approval, if any]

HR Department Representative's Signature: [Signature]

Date: [Date Signed]

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