Free Student Council Meeting Minutes Template



Free Student Council Meeting Minutes Template

Student Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting Topic: Spring Festival
January 24, 2050
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM


  • Emily Chen, President

  • Jordan Smith, Vice President

  • [YOUR NAME], Secretary

  • Lucas Green, Treasurer

  • Maya Patel, Event Coordinator

  • Alex Rivera, Public Relations Officer

Meeting Agenda:

The main agenda of the meeting was to discuss the upcoming Spring Festival, finalize the budget allocation for different committees, and address the feedback received from the student body regarding campus facilities.

Decisions Made:

Agenda Item


Spring Festival Planning

Emily Chen emphasized the importance of teamwork and efficient planning for the festival. Sectioning responsibilities to different council members.

Budget Allocation

Lucas Green tasked with preparing a detailed budget report and liaising with school administration for additional funding if necessary.

Feedback on Campus Facilities

[YOUR NAME] assigned to organize a feedback session with the students.

Action Items:

  • Maya Patel: Coordinate with external vendors; secure permissions for festival.

  • Jordan Smith: Oversee the student volunteer program, ensuring adequate staffing and training.

  • [YOUR NAME]: Document all decisions, circulate minutes of meeting, and organize student feedback session.

  • Alex Rivera: Promote festival across multiple platforms; coordinate with journalism club for event coverage.

Next Meeting:

Date: February 7, 2050
Progress update on Spring Festival preparation, Review of budget report, and Feedback session.

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