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Finance Mergers & Acquisitions Questionnaire

Finance Mergers & Acquisitions Questionnaire

Please read the instructions carefully before attempting to answer each section. Ensure to respond honestly to make the data collected reliable and valid.

Instructions for [Your Company Name]:

  • Please complete this questionnaire with accurate and up-to-date information.

  • For each question, select the response option that best describes your company's situation.

  • In sections where 'Other' is an option, provide specific details if applicable.

  • This questionnaire is a crucial part of assessing the potential merger or acquisition with [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party]. Your thorough and thoughtful responses are appreciated.

Company Financial Health and Performance Assessment

What was your company’s annual revenue for the last fiscal year?

  • Below $1M

  • $1M - $10M

  • $10M - $50M

  • $50M - $100M

  • Above $100M

What is your company's current debt-to-equity ratio?

  • Below 0.5

  • 0.5 - 1.0

  • 1.0 - 1.5

  • Above 1.5

How has your EBITDA margin trended over the past 3 years?

  • Significantly Increased

  • Increased

  • Stable

  • Decreased

  • Significantly Decreased

What is your current liquidity ratio?

  • Below 1

  • 1 - 1.5

  • 1.5 - 2

  • Above 2

Does your company have any ongoing or pending litigation?

  • Yes

  • No

Strategic Fit and Synergy Realization

How do your products/services align with those of [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party]?

  • Not Aligned

  • Somewhat Aligned

  • Moderately Aligned

  • Highly Aligned

How would you rate the potential for cost savings through this merger/acquisition?

  • Very Low

  • Low

  • Moderate

  • High

  • Very High

What are the anticipated benefits from this merger/acquisition?

  • Diversification

  • Market Expansion

  • Technology Acquisition

  • Talent Acquisition

  • Other (Please specify)

How do your corporate goals align with those of [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party]?

  • Not Aligned

  • Somewhat Aligned

  • Moderately Aligned

  • Highly Aligned

What are the potential risks you foresee in this merger/acquisition?

  • Cultural Conflicts

  • Operational Disruptions

  • Financial Risks

  • Regulatory Challenges

  • Other (Please specify)

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management

What compliance frameworks does your company adhere to?

  • ISO 9001

  • GDPR

  • SOX


  • Other (Please specify)

How do you manage regulatory compliance within your company?

  • Internally Managed

  • Outsourced

  • Combination of Both

  • Not Applicable

What risk management systems are currently in place?

  • Enterprise Risk Management

  • Financial Risk Management

  • Operational Risk Management Strategic Risk Management

  • Other (Please specify)

Have there been any compliance violations in the past 5 years?

  • Yes

  • No

How does your company handle data privacy and protection?

  • Comprehensive Policy

  • Basic Policy

  • No Formal Policy

  • Outsourced

Operational Efficiencies and Integration Planning

How would you rate your company's current supply chain efficiency?

  • Poor

  • Below Average

  • Average

  • Above Average

  • Excellent

What are your key operational challenges at present?

  • Supply Chain Disruptions

  • Technological Obsolescence

  • Human Resource Constraints

  • Financial Limitations

  • Other (Please specify)

How flexible is your company in adapting to new processes?

  • Very Flexible

  • Flexible

  • Neutral

  • Rigid

  • Very Rigid

What is your approach towards technology adoption?

  • Early Adopter

  • Fast Follower

  • Mainstream

  • Late Adopter

  • Laggard

How do you assess your company's production capacity utilization?

  • Underutilized

  • Adequately Utilized

  • Overutilized

  • Not Applicable

Cultural and Organizational Compatibility

Rate the effectiveness of your current leadership and management practices.

  • Very Ineffective

  • Ineffective

  • Neutral

  • Effective

  • Very Effective

How would you describe your company's corporate culture?

  • Innovation-driven

  • Process-oriented

  • Customer-centric

  • Employee-focused

  • Other (Please specify)

How do your employees perceive the current workplace environment?

  • Very Positive

  • Positive

  • Neutral

  • Negative

  • Very Negative

What is your company's approach to diversity and inclusion?

  • Highly Proactive

  • Proactive

  • Neutral

  • Reactive

  • Not Addressed

How does your company handle conflict resolution?

  • Formal Process

  • Informal Process

  • Mediation

  • Escalation

  • No Set Process

We thank you for your time and effort in completing this questionnaire.