Free Church Board Meeting Minutes Template



Free Church Board Meeting Minutes Template

Meeting Minutes: Church Board Members

Meeting Topic: Resource Allocation and Strategic Planning

Date: November 15, 2053

Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

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Reverend Michael Thompson

Senior Pastor

Deborah Harris

Board Chair

Sandra Turner

Youth Ministry Leader

Robert Miller

Facilities Manager

Meeting Agenda/Outline:

The Church Board Meeting convened to address matters of spiritual and administrative significance within the congregation. This included discussing upcoming events, assessing ongoing ministry activities, and fostering a sense of unity among board members. The meeting provided a platform for open dialogue, strategic planning, and collaborative decision-making.

Decisions Made:

Agenda Item

Decision Made

Resource Allocation and Strategic Planning

Deborah Harris to coordinate a volunteer recruitment drive.

Enhancing Worship Experience and Music Ministry Outreach

John Rodriguez to organize a special music event.

Mentorship Programs and Youth Events

Sandra Turner to lead a youth outreach initiative.

Facilities Maintenance and Improvements

Robert Miller to oversee facility improvement projects.

Action Items:

Tasks were delegated to board members in a manner that ensured the holistic growth and community impact of the church. Efforts were made to actively involve church members, enhance worship experiences, engage more youth members, and improve the church's physical space.

Next Meeting:

The next Board Meeting will take place on a stated date in the future (to be determined). The agenda items will likely involve follow-ups on the action items decided upon in this meeting and further planning for the well-being of the church community.

Reverend Michael Thompson concluded the meeting with a prayer, expressing gratitude for the board's commitment and dedication to the spiritual and communal well-being of Grace Community Church.

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