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Finance Long-Term Credit Plan

Finance Long-Term Credit Plan

Executive Summary

Overview of Credit Management Strategy

Our long-term credit management strategy is designed to optimize the balance between risk and opportunity. Key objectives include maintaining a healthy cash flow, minimizing bad debt losses, and supporting sales growth. We aim to achieve this by implementing robust credit assessment processes, regular monitoring, and dynamic policy adjustments in response to market changes. Anticipated challenges include evolving economic conditions, varying customer creditworthiness, and regulatory changes. Our goal is to enhance financial stability and shareholder value through effective credit management.

Financial Health Snapshot

The current financial health of the company is summarized in the table below:

Financial Metric

Current Value

Industry Benchmark

Liquidity Ratio



Debt-to-Equity Ratio



Current Credit Rating (S&P)



Net Profit Margin



Accounts Receivable Turnover

45 days

60 days

Our strong liquidity ratio and lower-than-industry debt-to-equity ratio indicate a robust financial position. The AA- credit rating reflects a high degree of trust from creditors and investors.

Credit Risk Assessment

Industry and Market Analysis

This section focuses on evaluating the external factors influencing credit risk. Our analysis includes:

  • Economic Trends: Monitoring GDP growth rates, inflation, and employment statistics to anticipate economic downturns or booms.

  • Industry-Specific Risks: Analyzing industry reports and market news to identify potential risks, such as regulatory changes or technological disruptions.

  • Competitor Analysis: Assessing competitors’ credit strategies to benchmark our practices and adjust our risk tolerance.

Client Creditworthiness Evaluation

Our approach to evaluating client creditworthiness is both comprehensive and dynamic. We use a multi-faceted scoring system, which includes:

  • Financial Analysis: Reviewing clients' financial statements, focusing on profitability, cash flow, and debt levels.

  • Credit History Check: Examining credit scores, payment histories, and past dealings.

  • Risk Categorization: Classifying clients into risk categories (low, medium, high) based on their overall score.

The following table outlines our credit scoring system:



Scoring Range




Cash Flow Stability



Debt Levels



Credit Score



Past Payment History



Clients are required to achieve a minimum score of 6 to be considered for credit. This score is regularly updated based on ongoing financial performance and market conditions.

Credit Policy Framework

Credit Terms and Conditions

The credit terms and conditions form the backbone of our credit management strategy. These terms are designed to balance risk while providing flexibility to our customers. Key aspects include:

  • Payment Terms: Standard payment terms are Net 30 days. However, for high-value clients or those with excellent credit history, we offer extended terms up to Net 60 days.

  • Interest Rates: Interest on overdue accounts is set at 2% per month, but this is subject to change based on prevailing market rates.

  • Invoicing Procedures: Invoices are issued immediately upon delivery of goods or services, and reminders are sent 7 days before the due date.

The following table outlines our standard credit terms:


Standard Condition

Condition for Preferred Clients

Payment Terms

Net 30 days

Up to Net 60 days

Interest on Overdue

2% per month

1.5% per month

Invoice Issue Frequency

Upon delivery

Upon delivery

Reminder Frequency

7 days before due

10 days before due

Credit Limits and Approvals

Our policy stipulates clear guidelines for setting credit limits and the approval process. The credit limit is determined based on the client’s financial stability, credit score, and historical transaction volume with our company.

  • Initial Credit Assessment: New clients undergo a rigorous financial review, and an initial credit limit is set.

  • Periodic Review: Existing clients have their credit limits reviewed annually or in response to significant changes in their credit profile.

  • Approval Hierarchy: Credit limits up to $50,000 are approved by the Credit Manager, while limits above $50,000 require approval from the Finance Director.

The procedure for setting and approving credit limits is summarized in the table below:

Client Category

Initial Credit Limit

Review Frequency

Approval Authority

New Clients

Based on assessment


Credit Manager

Regular Clients

Up to 20% increase


Credit Manager

High-Value Clients



Finance Director

Clients with Changes

Reassessment Needed

As needed

Depending on Limit Amount

Credit Monitoring and Reporting

Ongoing Credit Monitoring Procedures

Continuous credit monitoring is vital to identifying potential risks early and taking appropriate action. Our approach includes:

  • Regular Account Reviews: Conducting monthly reviews of all accounts to identify any changes in payment patterns or financial status.

  • Automated Alerts: Utilizing software that triggers alerts for overdue accounts or significant changes in credit scores.

  • Customer Communication: Regularly engaging with customers to understand their current financial situation, especially for accounts showing signs of distress.

The procedure for ongoing credit monitoring is outlined below:




Account Payment Pattern Review


Analyze changes in payment timings and amounts

Credit Score Update Check


Review any significant changes in credit scores

Overdue Account Alerts

As Occurred

Immediate notification for overdue accounts

Reporting Structure

Our reporting structure ensures timely and accurate information flow to relevant stakeholders. Key reports include:

  • Monthly Credit Report: Summarizes the status of all credit accounts, highlighting any accounts in arrears or at risk.

  • Quarterly Risk Analysis Report: Provides a more in-depth analysis of the credit portfolio, identifying trends and potential risk areas.

The reporting format is detailed in the table below:

Report Type



Monthly Credit Report


Account status, overdue accounts

Quarterly Risk Analysis


Trend analysis, risk identification

Annual Credit Performance


Yearly performance, policy effectiveness

Delinquency Management

Early Warning Indicators

Early identification of potential delinquency is crucial. We monitor several indicators:

  • Payment Delays: Repeated delays in payments, even if within the credit term.

  • Reduced Order Volume: A significant drop in order volume can indicate financial distress.

  • External Information: Negative news or credit rating downgrades.

Delinquency Handling Procedures

Our procedures for managing delinquencies are designed to be firm yet fair, with the aim of recovering dues while maintaining customer relationships.

  • First Reminder: Sent immediately after a payment becomes overdue.

  • Follow-up Communication: Personalized communication for high-value or at-risk clients.

  • Payment Plans: Offering structured payment plans for clients facing temporary financial difficulties.

  • Legal Action: As a last resort, for accounts that remain delinquent despite repeated efforts.

The delinquency management process is summarized in the following table:




Payment Overdue

First Reminder Sent

1-7 days overdue

Continued Non-Payment

Personal Follow-up

14 days overdue

Significant Delinquency

Payment Plan Discussion

30 days overdue

Extreme Cases

Legal Action Consideration

60 days overdue

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory Compliance

Our credit management practices strictly adhere to relevant regulatory requirements to ensure legal compliance and ethical standards. Key focus areas include:

  • Data Protection Laws: Compliance with regulations like GDPR for handling customer financial data.

  • Credit Reporting Standards: Adherence to the standards set by credit reporting agencies and financial authorities.

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations: Implementing procedures to prevent money laundering activities.

The compliance checklist is outlined in the following table:

Regulation Type

Compliance Measure

Review Frequency

Data Protection

Encryption, Access Control, Data Minimization


Credit Reporting

Accuracy in Reporting, Timely Updates



Transaction Monitoring, Reporting Suspicious Activity

As needed

Internal Audits and Controls

To ensure continuous compliance and effective credit management, we have established a robust system of internal audits and controls:

  • Regular Audits: Conducted semi-annually to review credit processes and compliance.

  • Control Mechanisms: Including separation of duties, authorization requirements, and documentation standards.

A summary of our internal audit and control framework is presented below:

Audit/Control Type



Compliance Audit

Review of adherence to legal regulations


Process Efficiency Audit

Assessment of credit process efficiency


Risk Management Audit

Evaluation of risk assessment measures


Technology and Infrastructure

Credit Management Systems

We leverage advanced technology systems to enhance our credit management capabilities. These systems include:

  • Credit Scoring Software: For automated credit scoring based on predefined parameters.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Integrating credit information with customer profiles.

  • Analytics Tools: For trend analysis and risk prediction.

The key components of our technology infrastructure are detailed in the table below:

System Type


Update Frequency

Credit Scoring Software

Automated credit assessment and scoring


CRM System

Integration of credit data with customer information


Analytics Tools

Risk analysis and reporting


Infrastructure Requirements

Our credit management infrastructure includes both technological and physical components:

  • Data Security Infrastructure: Robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive credit information.

  • Communication Tools: Efficient systems for internal and external communication regarding credit matters.

  • Training Facilities: For ongoing staff training on new credit policies and technologies.

Infrastructure requirements are summarized as follows:

Infrastructure Component


Maintenance/Upgrade Schedule

Data Security

Firewalls, Encryption, Access Controls

As needed

Communication Systems

Email, Telephony, Conference Tools


Training Facilities

On-site and virtual training environments


Financial Projections and Analysis

Revenue Impact Analysis

This section delves into how our credit management strategies are projected to influence revenue streams. Key components of this analysis include:

  • Cash Flow Projections: Estimating the impact of credit terms on cash flow.

  • Bad Debt Projections: Assessing the potential for bad debt under various scenarios and its impact on net income.

  • Sales Growth Forecasts: Analyzing how flexible credit terms can potentially increase sales volumes.

The projected financial impact is summarized in the table below:


Projected Cash Flow

Estimated Bad Debt

Projected Sales Growth


$50 million

$2 million



$55 million

$2.5 million



$60 million

$3 million


Financial Tables

We provide detailed financial tables to illustrate the expected financial outcomes under the new credit plan. These include:

  • Projected Profit and Loss Statements: Showing the expected revenue and expenses, including the cost of credit.

  • Balance Sheet Projections: Indicating the impact on assets and liabilities.

  • Cash Flow Statements: Highlighting the changes in cash flows due to credit policy adjustments.

  • Projected Profit and Loss Statement:


Total Revenue

Total Expenses

Net Profit


$100 million

$45 million

$55 million


$110 million

$50 million

$60 million


$120 million

$55 million

$65 million

Balance Sheet Projections:


Total Assets

Total Liabilities



$200 million

$100 million

$100 million


$220 million

$110 million

$110 million


$240 million

$120 million

$120 million

Cash Flow Statements:


Operating Cash Flow

Investing Cash Flow

Financing Cash Flow

Net Increase in Cash


$30 million

-$10 million

$5 million

$25 million


$35 million

-$12 million

$7 million

$30 million


$40 million

-$15 million

$10 million

$35 million

These financial tables are regularly updated to reflect changes in market conditions and company performance.

Review and Revision Procedures

Periodic Review Schedule

To ensure our credit policies remain effective and relevant, we have established a schedule for periodic reviews:

  • Annual Policy Review: To assess the overall effectiveness of the credit policy and make necessary adjustments.

  • Semi-Annual Market Analysis: To adjust credit strategies based on market dynamics.

The review schedule is as follows:

Review Type


Main Focus Areas

Credit Policy Review


Policy effectiveness, compliance, risk assessment

Market Analysis


Market trends, economic conditions, client feedback

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

We have established mechanisms to gather feedback and facilitate continuous improvement in our credit management practices:

  • Client Surveys: Regular surveys to gather feedback from clients on our credit processes.

  • Employee Feedback: Inputs from staff involved in the credit management process.

  • Benchmarking Studies: Comparing our practices with industry standards and best practices.

Feedback and improvement initiatives are summarized in the following table:

Feedback Source



Client Surveys


Assess client satisfaction and suggestions

Employee Input


Gather internal feedback and ideas



Compare with industry standards