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Affirmative Action Plan Outline HR


Effective Date: [Date]

Prepared By: [Preparer's Name, Contact Details]

Executive Summary

This Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) outlines [Your Company Name]'s approach to ensuring equal employment opportunities for all individuals, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It outlines goals, responsibilities, and procedures to support affirmative action initiatives.


  • Purpose:

The purpose of this plan is to establish and maintain an equal employment opportunity policy that is in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and guidelines.

  • Policy Statement:

[Your Company Name] is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the principles of affirmative action.

Organizational Information

Responsibility for Implementation:



Contact Information

AAP Officer



HR Director



A. Internal Dissemination

  • AAP Summary to be posted on company intranet.

  • Regular training sessions for managers and employees.

B. External Dissemination

  • Company website

  • Job postings

Identification of Problem Areas

Under-Utilization Analysis:

Job Category

Total Employees

% of Women

% of Minorities









A. Goals and Benchmarks:

  • Increase the number of minority employees in management by [Percent] within [Timeframe].

  • Increase the number of female employees in sales by [Percent] within [Timeframe].

Action-Oriented Programs

A Recruitment:

  • Advertise in diverse forums.

  • Collaborate with organizations that target underrepresented groups.

B Training and Career Development:

  • Sensitize current employees through diversity training.

  • Encourage mentor-mentee relationships for new hires.

Monitoring and Reporting

A. Quarterly Reports: These will be prepared by the AAP Officer and will include updates on goal attainment and ongoing initiatives.

B. Annual Review: A comprehensive review of this AAP will be conducted annually to evaluate the overall effectiveness and to make necessary adjustments.

Grievance Procedure

Employees who believe they have been subjected to discrimination may contact [Name, Contact Details].

Record Keeping

All records pertaining to this AAP will be maintained by the Human Resources Department for a minimum of [Time Period].


This Affirmative Action Plan is a living document and will be subject to periodic reviews and updates.

Approved by: [Approving Authority]
Date: [Approval Date]

For any questions or clarifications, please contact:

[AAP Officer's Name]
[Contact Details]

This AAP sets forth the policies and practices that [Your Company Name] will follow to ensure equal employment opportunities for everyone. It is every employee's responsibility to support and uphold this policy.

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