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Workers Compensation Program HR


This Workers' Compensation Program aims to provide prompt and effective medical treatment for employees who sustain work-related injuries or illnesses. The program outlines the process of reporting injuries, filing claims, and returning to work.

Purpose and Scope

  • To outline the process and requirements for obtaining workers' compensation benefits.

  • Applicable to all employees of [Company].

Roles and Responsibilities




Employee Responsibilities

Report injuries immediately

To ensure prompt medical attention and proper documentation

Complete required documentation

To initiate the workers' compensation claim process

Comply with medical treatments

To expedite recovery and return-to-work process

Employer Responsibilities

Provide a safe work environment

To minimize risks and hazards in the workplace

Furnish required forms for claiming benefits

To facilitate the administrative aspect of the claim process

Investigate reported injuries

To identify the cause and take corrective actions if necessary

HR Responsibilities

Process claims

To ensure eligible employees receive their entitled benefits

Monitor recovery and facilitate return-to-work

To aid the employee in reintegrating into the work environment

Maintain records

For compliance and documentation purposes

Medical Provider

Offer immediate and appropriate medical care

To provide initial treatment to minimize complications

Complete medical report forms

To document the injury and treatment for administrative purposes

Reporting an Injury

Employees must report any work-related injuries to their supervisor and Human Resources within 24 hours.


Action Item

Responsible Party

Step 1

Initial report of injury


Step 2

Supervisor's Incident Report


Step 3

HR Incident Log Entry

Human Resources

Claim Process

  1. Initial Assessment: Conducted by [Name of Medical Provider]

  2. Claim Submission: To be submitted by HR to [Insurance Provider]

  3. Claim Approval/Rejection: Decision by [Insurance Provider]

Form or Document

Submission Deadline

Initial Medical Assessment Report

Within 24 hours

Worker's Compensation Claim Form

Within 5 days

Return-to-Work Program

  • Assessment of Readiness: Conducted by [Medical Provider]

  • Temporary Work Assignments: Possible pending medical clearance

Forms and Documentation

  1. Employee Incident Report

  2. Supervisor's Incident Report

  3. Medical Provider's Initial Assessment

  4. Workers' Compensation Claim Form

Monitoring and Review

The program will be reviewed annually by [Name, Position].

Contact Information

  • HR Manager: [HR Manager's Name]

  • Address: [Company Address]

  • Phone: [Contact Phone]

  • Email: [Contact Email]

Appendices (Attachments)

  • Appendix A: Employee Incident Report Template

  • Appendix B: Supervisor's Incident Report Template

  • Appendix C: Medical Provider's Initial Assessment Template

  • Appendix D: Workers' Compensation Claim Form

By following the procedures outlined in this Workers' Compensation Program, [Company] aims to ensure the well-being of all employees through effective and compassionate care.

HR Templates @