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Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting Topic

Homeowners Association Meeting


January 15, 2055


10:00 AM




101 Pine Street, #567, Hillside, TX 75001


  • Ms. Emily Thompson (HOA President)

  • Mr. David Miller (Treasurer)

  • Mrs. Susan Rodriguez (Secretary)

  • Mr. James Turner (Landscape Committee Chair)

  • Ms. Linda Harris (Social Events Coordinator)

  • and various community members

Meeting Agenda

1. Introduction and settle-in
2. Discussion of current community issues
3. Actions and task delegation

Decisions Made

Agenda Item


Landscaping Improvements

Assigned Mr. James Turner to collaborate with local vendors for community garden enhancement project quotes.

Neighborhood Block Party

Assigned Mr. David Miller to oversee financial aspects and ensure the budget aligns with community expectations.

Community Events

Assigned Ms. Linda Harris to coordinate with local businesses for sponsorships.

Community Newsletter

Acknowledged Mrs. Susan Rodriguez for her work and emphasized the need for timely and engaging content.

Action Items

1. Mr. James Turner to get quotes for the garden enhancement project.
2. Mr. David Miller to handle the financial aspects of the upcoming block party.
3. Ms. Linda Harris to coordinate sponsorships with local businesses for community events.
4. Mrs. Susan Rodriguez to continue updating the community newsletter.

Next Meeting

Date: To Be Decided
Agenda: To Be Decided

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