Relationship-building Workshop Evaluation HR

Relationship-Building Workshop Evaluation

Facilitator: Jack Fulcher

Date: October 5, 2050

Location: 786 Poco Mas Drive, Dallas, TX 75202


Thank you for participating in our Relationship-building Workshop. We value your feedback to continually improve our training programs. Please take a few minutes to provide your honest evaluation of the workshop.

I. Workshop Content:

Content Relevance (1-5):

Please rate the relevance of the workshop content to your professional needs.

  • 1 (Not Relevant)

  • 2 (Somewhat Relevant)

  • 3 (Moderately Relevant)

  • 4 (Very Relevant)

  • 5 (Highly Relevant)

Content Clarity (1-5):

How clear and understandable was the content presented in the workshop?

  • 1 (Not Relevant)

  • 2 (Somewhat Relevant)

  • 3 (Moderately Relevant)

  • 4 (Very Relevant)

  • 5 (Highly Relevant)

Content Depth (1-5):

Rate the depth and comprehensiveness of the content.

  • 1 (Not Relevant)

  • 2 (Somewhat Relevant)

  • 3 (Moderately Relevant)

  • 4 (Very Relevant)

  • 5 (Highly Relevant)

II. Workshop Delivery:

Facilitator Effectiveness (1-5):

How effective was the facilitator in conveying the workshop content and engaging participants?

  • 1 (Not Effective)

  • 2 (Somewhat Effective)

  • 3 (Moderately Effective)

  • 4 (Very Effective)

  • 5 (Highly Effective)

Engagement Activities (1-5):

Rate the effectiveness of the interactive activities in promoting engagement and learning.

  • 1 (Not Effective)

  • 2 (Somewhat Effective)

  • 3 (Moderately Effective)

  • 4 (Very Effective)

  • 5 (Highly Effective)

III. Workshop Logistics:

Venue and Facilities (1-5):

Rate the quality of the workshop venue and facilities (e.g., seating, audiovisual equipment).

  • 1 (Poor)

  • 2 (Fair)

  • 3 (Satisfactory)

  • 4 (Good)

  • 5 (Excellent)

Materials and Resources (1-5):

Rate the quality and relevance of the materials provided during the workshop.

  • 1 (Poor)

  • 2 (Fair)

  • 3 (Satisfactory)

  • 4 (Good)

  • 5 (Excellent)

IV. Overall Satisfaction:

Overall Workshop Satisfaction (1-5):

Please rate your overall satisfaction with the Relationship-building Workshop.

  • 1 (Very Dissatisfied)

  • 2 (Dissatisfied)

  • 3 (Neutral)

  • 4 (Satisfied)

  • 5 (Very Satisfied)

V. Workshop Comments:

  1. What did you like most about the workshop?

I appreciated the interactive activities that encouraged open communication and the opportunity to connect with others. The facilitators' genuine interest in fostering relationships created a welcoming and positive atmosphere.

  1. What areas do you think need improvement?

  1. Any additional comments or suggestions?

VI. Demographics (Optional):

Your Job Title: Sales Analyst

Years of Professional Experience: 3 years

Company Name (Optional): Value Giant

Thank you for your valuable feedback! 

Your input helps us enhance our workshops for future participants.

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