Free Creative Meeting Agenda Template



Free Creative Meeting Agenda Template

Creative Ideation Session Agenda

Date: October 15, 2060

Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Company: [Your Company Name]

Created By: [Your Name]


The Monthly Creative Ideation Session Agenda is designed to inspire innovation, encourage collaboration, and generate fresh ideas among team members. It aims to explore creative concepts, brainstorm solutions, and foster a dynamic environment, enhancing project quality.


Agenda Section & Tasks

8:00 AM - 10:00AM

Introduction and Ice Breakers

1. Explain the purpose of the session

2. Introduce team members and their roles

3. Conduct team-building icebreakers

10:15 AM - 12:00PM

Inspiration and Brainstorming

1. Share inspiring examples relevant to the project

2. Brainstorm initial ideas

3. Write down every potential idea

1:00 PM - 3:00PM

Idea Development and Exploration

1. Cluster ideas into themes

2. Further develop promising ideas

3. Encourage open feedback between team members

3:15 PM - 5:00PM

Refinement and Conclusion

1. Discuss and select the best ideas

2. Define next steps and responsibilities

3. Wrap up and thank participants

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