Anti-bullying Program Memo HR

Anti-bullying Program Memo

All Employees of [Your Company Name]

From: Human Resources Department

Date: June 5, 2051

Subject: Anti-Bullying Program Schedule

Dear Team,

As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, we would like to remind everyone about the upcoming activities and schedule for the Anti-Bullying Program at [Your Company Name].

Program Schedule:





Anti-Bullying Seminar

July 10, 2051

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Conference Room

Program Highlights:

  • Our goal is to significantly reduce instances of bullying and make [Your Company Name] a beacon of respect and collaboration.

  • Your participation and feedback in the training sessions and support groups are vital to the success of this initiative.

Your contribution towards making [Your Company Name] a harmonious workplace is invaluable. We appreciate your commitment and look forward to seeing positive change ripple throughout our organization.


[Your Name]

HR Manager

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