Team Morale Assessment HR

Team Morale Assessment

Assessment Date:
[Date of Assessment]

Department: [Department Name]

Team Leader: [Team Leader's Name]

Team Name: [Team Name]

HR Contact: [HR Representative's Name]

Survey Respondents: [List of Team Members]

Team Morale Evaluation

Please rate your perception of the team's morale on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very low and 5 is very high.







Overall Team Morale

Communication within the Team

Teamwork and Collaboration

Job Satisfaction

Recognition and Appreciation

Factors Influencing Morale

Please indicate the factors that you believe have the most significant impact on team morale:

  • Clear Communication

  • Supportive Leadership

  • Team Collaboration

  • Recognition and Rewards

  • Work-Life Balance

  • Opportunities for Growth

  • Respectful and Inclusive Environment

  • Job Security

  • Other (Please specify):

Suggestions for Improvement

Please provide any suggestions or comments on how team morale can be improved:






Your responses are anonymous and will be used to identify areas for improvement within the team. Your honest feedback is highly valuable.

Employee's Signature (Optional): [Signature]

Date: [Date Signed]

HR's Response:

Action Plan: [HR's Action Plan to address team morale based on survey feedback]

HR's Signature: [Signature]

Date: [Date Signed]

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