Free Team Morale Assessment HR Template
Team Morale Assessment
Assessment Date: [Date of Assessment]
Department: [Department Name] |
Team Leader: [Team Leader's Name] |
Team Name: [Team Name] |
HR Contact: [HR Representative's Name] |
Survey Respondents: [List of Team Members] |
Team Morale Evaluation
Please rate your perception of the team's morale on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very low and 5 is very high.
Criteria |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Overall Team Morale |
Communication within the Team |
Teamwork and Collaboration |
Job Satisfaction |
Recognition and Appreciation |
Factors Influencing Morale
Please indicate the factors that you believe have the most significant impact on team morale:
Clear Communication
Supportive Leadership
Team Collaboration
Recognition and Rewards
Work-Life Balance
Opportunities for Growth
Respectful and Inclusive Environment
Job Security
Other (Please specify):
Suggestions for Improvement
Please provide any suggestions or comments on how team morale can be improved:
Your responses are anonymous and will be used to identify areas for improvement within the team. Your honest feedback is highly valuable.
Employee's Signature (Optional): [Signature]
Date: [Date Signed]
HR's Response:
Action Plan: [HR's Action Plan to address team morale based on survey feedback]
HR's Signature: [Signature]
Date: [Date Signed]