Free Accounts Payment Notice Template
Accounts Payment Notice
Dear [Your Client Name],
This is to inform you that as our valued client, you have a pending payment due for the services or products provided by [Your Company Name]. This Accounts Payment Notice serves as a crucial communication tool, which aids in the successful operation of our financial transactions.
Upon reviewing your account, we observed that there is an outstanding amount due in the sum of [$Amount]. The due date for making this payment has been set at [Due Date - [Year] Onwards]. We would kindly request you to consider this letter as a Notification of Payment Due and settle your dues promptly.
We accept payments through the following methods:
Bank Transfer / Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Credit Card Payments
Online Payment Gateways (e.g., PayPal, Stripe)
Cheque Payments
Direct Debit
Kindly choose the method that is most convenient for you.
For your understanding, we have included a comprehensive breakdown outlining the specific charges or invoices being requested for payment. This includes the detailed list of services rendered or products delivered, relevant unit costs, total amount due, and any applicable taxes or fees.
Item Description |
Quantity |
Unit Cost |
Subtotal |
Tax (%) |
Total |
[Service/Product Name #1] |
[Qty 1] |
$[UC 1] |
$[Subtotal 1] |
[Tax1] |
$[Total 1] |
[Service/Product Name #2] |
[Qty 2] |
$[UC 2] |
$[Subtotal 2] |
[Tax2] |
$[Total 2] |
[Service/Product Name #3] |
[Qty 3] |
$[UC 3] |
$[Subtotal 3] |
[Tax3] |
$[Total 3] |
Additional Charges |
- |
- |
$[Additional] |
- |
$[Add Total] |
Discounts (if any) |
- |
- |
$[Discount] |
- |
$[Disc Total] |
Total Tax |
$[Total Tax] |
Grand Total |
$[Grand Total] |
We believe this notice offers essential and value-adding information that will aid in the clear understanding of your accounts payable. Should you have any queries or need additional information regarding this notice, please feel free to reach us via [Your Email].
Your prompt attention to this matter will be highly appreciated.
We thank you for your understanding and look forward to a continued business relationship.
Yours Sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Job Title]