Free Nikah Contract Template
Nikah Contract
This Nikah Contract (hereinafter referred to as "Contract") is entered into on [Date] by and between [Name of the Husband], residing at [Husband Address], and [Name of the Wife], residing at [Wife Address], hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties."
Article 1: Intentions
The Parties hereby solemnize their marriage by Islamic law and principles. They acknowledge that marriage is a sacred bond and commit to upholding its sanctity and obligations.
Article 2: Conditions of Marriage
2.1 Mutual Commitments
The marriage shall be based on mutual respect, understanding, and support.
2.2 Communication
Both Parties shall maintain open and honest communication at all times.
2.3 Fulfillment of Rights
The Parties shall strive to fulfill the rights and responsibilities enjoined upon them by Islamic law.
Article 3: Mahr (Dowry)
3.1 Payment
The Husband agrees to pay the Wife a Mahr of [Specify Amount or Item] as an expression of his commitment and respect.
3.2 Acceptance
The Wife accepts the Mahr as her exclusive property and right.
Article 4: Financial Responsibilities
4.1 Husband's Obligations
The Husband shall provide financial support to the Wife for her reasonable needs and necessities.
4.2 Wife's Responsibilities
The Wife shall manage the household affairs efficiently and prudently.
Article 5: Residence
5.1 Living Arrangements
The Parties agree to reside together as spouses in [Specify Location] unless mutually agreed otherwise.
5.2 Contribution
Both Parties shall contribute to maintaining a harmonious and comfortable living environment.
Article 6: Custody and Upbringing of Children
6.1 Joint Decision-Making
The Parties shall jointly decide on matters concerning the upbringing, education, and welfare of their children.
6.2 Custody Arrangements
In the event of a divorce, custody arrangements shall be made according to Islamic principles and the best interests of the children.
Article 7: Dispute Resolution
7.1 Mediation
Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be resolved amicably through mediation by a qualified Islamic arbitrator.
7.2 Arbitration
If mediation fails, the Parties agree to resort to arbitration by Islamic law.
Article 8: Dissolution of Marriage
8.1 Mutual Consent
The marriage may be dissolved by mutual consent of the Parties.
8.2 Divorce Proceedings
In the event of irreconcilable differences, either Party may initiate divorce proceedings in accordance with Islamic law.
Article 9: Governing Law
This Contract shall be governed by and construed by the principles of Islamic law.
Article 10: Amendments
Any amendments to this Contract shall be made in writing and duly signed by both Parties.
Article 11: Execution
This Contract shall come into effect upon its execution by both Parties and shall remain binding throughout the marriage.
In Witness Whereof, the Parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.