Free Car Contract Template



Free Car Contract Template

Car Contract

This Car Purchase Agreement, effective as of [Date], establishes a legally binding contract between [Your Name] and [Buyer's Name]. The Seller, operating from [Your Company Address], agrees to sell, and the Buyer, residing at [Buyer's Address], agrees to purchase the described vehicle ("Vehicle"). Both parties acknowledge that this agreement supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral, about the Vehicle. It is understood that the sale is conducted on an "as-is" basis, with no additional warranties beyond those expressly stated herein. Both parties affirm that they have read, understood, and voluntarily accepted the terms outlined in this Agreement.

I. Description of Vehicle

The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following vehicle:

Make: Toyota

Model: Camry

Year: 2050

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): 1HGCM82633A004352

Mileage: 35,000 miles

II. Purchase Price

The complete amount that will be due for the purchase of the vehicle, which includes all applicable taxes and any additional fees, has been agreed upon to be thirty-five thousand dollars, denoted as $35,000.

III. Payment Terms

Upon entering into this Agreement by signing it, the individual or entity acting as the Buyer is required to make an initial down payment. This upfront payment amounts to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). After this advance payment, the stipulations of this Agreement further necessitate that the Buyer fulfills the obligation of paying off the remaining balance. This remaining balance is specifically stated as Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000). The due time for this payment is distinctly outlined as the moment in which the Seller completes the delivery of the vehicle to the Buyer. This payment is to be transferred by the Buyer for the receipt of the Seller.

IV. Delivery of Vehicle

The Party selling the vehicle, hereto referred to as the Seller enters into an agreement where they commit to delivering the said vehicle to the purchasing party, now known as the Buyer. This delivery is scheduled to take place on the specific date of March 25, 2051, and the planned location for this exchange is 123 Main Street, situated within the boundaries of Anytown, USA. Upon this agreed date, the Buyer shall receive the vehicle and is fully responsible for accepting the vehicle as it exists at the time of delivery. The Buyer, in a show of confirmation, acknowledges that a thorough inspection of the vehicle has been performed by them. As a result of this inspection, the Buyer is fully informed of the vehicle's existing condition and henceforth accepts the vehicle in its current state.

V. Warranties

The Seller warrants that they have good title to the vehicle and that the vehicle is free from any liens or encumbrances. The Buyer acknowledges that the vehicle is sold "as-is" and without any warranties, express or implied, except as expressly outlined in this Agreement.

VI. Title and Registration

The Seller agrees to transfer the title of the vehicle to the Buyer upon receipt of full payment. The Buyer shall be responsible for registering the vehicle and paying any associated fees and taxes.

VII. Inspection and Acceptance

The individual who is the purchaser hereby declares and acknowledges that they have been granted the necessary opportunity to thoroughly inspect the vehicle under consideration for purchase. They have taken into account all aspects of the vehicle's condition and have decided to proceed with finalizing this purchase, thereby accepting the vehicle in the state it is presently in.

VIII. Liability

If there occur any damages or losses that are a result of the Buyer's usage of the vehicle following its delivery, the Seller will be under no obligation to assume responsibility or be held liable for these situations.

IX. Default and Remedies

Should either party default on their obligations, the party that has not defaulted reserves the right to pursue any legal remedies available to them under the jurisdiction of the law.

X. Governing Law

The Agreement mentioned shall be subject to, and under the governance of, the laws and regulations of the State as specified within the terms of this Agreement. Consequently, any interpretation or understanding of this Agreement shall therefore be based upon, and fully consistent with, the established laws, rules, and legal principles in effect in the specified State.

XII. Signatures

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.






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