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Payroll Accounting Training Survey

Payroll Accounting Training Survey

Please answer this survey honestly. Rate the following statements on a scale of 1-5, 1 for Strongly Disagree and 5 for Strongly Agree.







The course content was relevant and met my learning expectation.

The training program was well-structured and easy to understand.

The training instructor was knowledgeable and held my attention.

I am notably more confident in handling payroll accounting tasks after the training.

The duration of the training was adequate for understanding the course content.

The training materials provided were helpful and comprehensive.

[Your Company Name] is efficient in delivering a satisfactory training experience.

The training room facilities were conducive to a learning environment.

The course was worth the time and effort invested.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions to improve our training program.

We value your feedback and appreciate your time spent towards improving our training programs.

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