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Accounts Payment Monitoring Survey

Accounts Payment Monitoring Survey

We appreciate your time and effort in participating in this survey. Your responses will provide valuable insights that will help us improve our Accounts Payment Monitoring System for better efficiency and accuracy.

General Information

Full Name:


Company Name:

Experience with Accounts Payment Monitoring

  1. How long have you been using the Accounts Payment Monitoring system in your current position?

  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the efficiency of the system?

    • 1 (Not likely at all)

    • 2-4 (Unlikely)

    • 5-7 (Neutral)

    • 8-10 (Likely)

    • 10 (Extremely likely

  3. How satisfied are you with the current accounts payment process?

    • Very Satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Dissatisfied

    • Very Dissatisfied

Enhancement Opportunities

  1. What enhancements or features do you believe would improve our Accounts Payment Monitoring system?

  2. Have you experienced any issues with the current Accounts Payment Monitoring system? If yes, please explain.

Additional Comments or Suggestions

  1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for our Accounting Payment Monitoring system that you have not already mentioned?

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