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Request Letter to HR for Hiring New Employee

Request Letter To HR For Hiring New Employee

[Your Name]



May 17, 2051





Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you to request your assistance with an important matter- the hiring of a new employee for our team.

Over the past few months, our workload has significantly increased. Despite the best efforts of our current staff, handling this work load efficiently has become increasingly challenging. We believe hiring a new employee would provide a significant boost to our manpower and enable us to manage this workload more efficiently.

We are looking for someone who can readily adapt to our fast-paced environment, effectively collaborate with our team, and significantly contribute to our department's objectives and goals.

Your expertise and support in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I would like to organize a meeting with you to discuss the qualifications and competencies we are seeking in this potential new hire.

If you have any preliminary thoughts or need additional information, do not hesitate to contact me at [YOUR EMAIL]. I look forward to a prompt positive response from your side regarding this letter.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Best regards,



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