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Withdrawal from College Letter

Withdrawal From College Letter




August 28, 2050

Mabel Johnson

1411 Lucky Duck Drive,

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Dear Mrs. Johnson,

I am penning this letter with a heavy heart to formally request the withdrawal from my course at your prestigious institution. I have had some family issues arise that need my urgent attention and unfortunately, this has greatly disrupted my ability to focus on and meet the high academic standards set by your esteemed institution.

The magnitude of these personal problems has led me to make this decision as I feel it is currently the best course of action. I plan to return and complete my degree as soon as the situations at home are under control. I assure you this decision was not taken lightly but after ample deliberation and consultation with my family, we have accepted it as necessary.

I would be grateful if you could facilitate this process in a smooth and timely fashion. I would also like to request any guidance or advice on the protocol to re-apply once I am ready to return.

I would like to take the time to extend my gratitude to you and all the faculty members who have contributed to my growth and development during my tenure at the college. I hope to return soon and continue pursuing the path of knowledge and self-improvement with your guidance.

Thank you for your understanding and support in advance. I trust that you will keep this matter confidential.

Best regards,


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