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Appeal for Admission to College Letter

Appeal For Admission To College Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Contact Number]

March 5, 2050

Liam Sterling,

ABC University,

Rothlon Road

Boston, MA 02115


Dear Mr. Sterling,


I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to humbly request a reconsideration of my application for undergraduate admission to your esteemed university, which I understand has been unsuccessful.


While I comprehend the competitiveness of your admissions process, I firmly believe that my application might have been partially misinterpreted, perhaps due to my prior academic performance. I acknowledge that my grades during my junior year of high school were not exemplary; however, it is important to mention that I endured a series of unforeseen health and personal issues during this crucial time.


I had been diagnosed with mononucleosis, which necessitated my extended absence from school. Concurrently, I had to cope with the devastating loss of my grandfather, who'd been a pivotal figure in my life. This tumultuous period significantly impacted my academic standing.


Despite these challenges, I have always been committed to my studies and ambitious about my future career path. These adversities have developed my character and reinforced my determination and resilience. I managed to recover academically in my senior year and actively participated in extracurricular activities, highlighting my ability to balance my time effectively and adapt to change. This improvement demonstrates the remarkable potential I harbor and the level of commitment I am prepared to show throughout my collegiate career and beyond.


Most respectfully,


[Your Name]

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