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Offer of Employment Letter

Offer Of Employment Letter

June 11, 2058




I am delighted to formally extend an offer to join our team here at [COMPANY NAME]. We were impressed with your qualifications and we believe that your skillset and experience could greatly benefit our company.

The position we are offering is for the role of [JOB TITLE], reporting directly to [DIRECT SUPERVISOR/ MANAGER]. The starting salary will be [SALARY], payable bi-weekly, with opportunities for bonuses and incentives on [BENEFITS]. The official starting date will be [START DATE].

Please note that this offer is conditional upon the successful completion of background checks and other screening processes as required by our company. You will receive further details in a separate email.

We are excited about the possibility of having you become part of our team. Please respond to this letter by [RESPONSE DATE] to confirm your acceptance of this offer. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out via email at [YOUR EMAIL].

We hope that you will accept our offer and look forward to welcoming you to the team.



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