Behavioral Health Director Job Description

Job Title: Behavioral Health Director


[YOUR COMPANY NAME] requires highly competent and qualified individuals for the position of BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIRECTOR. We seek professionals with comprehensive experience in managing, planning, and executing administrative and clinical activities of behavioral health departments, within the framework of our company's ethics and values.

The selected candidate will aim for uncompromising quality in providing compassionate, comprehensive care, promotion, and protection of mental health, and prevention of mental illnesses and disorders.


  1. Leading and overseeing the functioning of the Department of Behavioral Health across all units and disciplines.

  2. Implementing and ensuring consistent practices and delivering high-quality behavioral health services.

  3. Setting budgetary guidelines and ensuring adherence for the Behavioral Health department.

  4. Mentoring, training, and development of team members to improve performance and achieve operational goals.

  5. Engaging with other behavioral health leaders, stakeholders, and partners to foster collaboration and innovation in services.


The ideal candidate should hold a Master's Degree in Psychology, Social Work, Mental Health Counseling, or a related behavioral health field. At least ten years of experience in a behavioral health role with five years in a managerial or leadership position is required.


  • Exceptional leadership and management skills with a capacity to inspire team members.

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and an aptitude for building and maintaining professional relationships.

  • Ability to make informed decisions swiftly and efficiently.

  • Comprehensive understanding of Mental Health laws and regulations.

  • Ability to strategize and implement new policies to improve the department and patient care.


We offer a competitive salary package commensurate with experience and qualifications. Our benefits include comprehensive health and dental plans, obligatory retirement plans, generous vacation time, and continuous professional development support, to be determined more during the interview process.

For more information, please get in touch with us via [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] or [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER].

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