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College Readmission Letter

College Readmission Letter



October 28, 2050

Mr. Lucas Montgomery

Admissions Office

Cascade Crest University

1868 Prospect Street,

Camden, NJ 08104

Dear Mr. Montgomery,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing about my interest in seeking readmission to Cascade Crest University after having previously withdrawn due to personal reasons.

During my time away, I was able to reflect on the events and circumstances that led to my withdrawal. I have taken steps to address these issues head-on, which I believe have provided me with insights and maturity that would enhance my future performance at Cascade Crest University.

I am confident that I am now fully prepared to undertake the responsibilities and challenges of being a student again. I have missed the vibrant learning environment and the opportunities that Cascade Crest University offers, and I am eager to contribute to and learn from the academic community once more.

Recognizing the need to demonstrate my commitment, I have obtained gainful employment and enrolled in related online courses to keep myself academically engaged. With these experiences, I am hopeful for the opportunity to complete my course in Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering.

Best regards,


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