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Sample Two Weeks Notice

Resignation Notice





I trust this letter finds you well. With a mix of emotions, I am reaching out to officially tender my resignation from my role as Marketing Coordinator at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], effective two weeks from now, on [EFFECTIVE DATE].

Reflecting on my time here, I am grateful for the myriad of experiences and the relationships cultivated within this dynamic team. The support and opportunities extended to me have been instrumental in my personal and professional growth, and for that, I am sincerely thankful.

Over the next fourteen days, I am dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition. I have meticulously outlined plans to wrap up ongoing projects and assignments, aiming for a comprehensive and efficient handover process. I am committed to collaborating with my successor, providing not only knowledge transfer but also ongoing support as they acclimate to the role.

Being part of such a collaborative and inspiring team has made a significant impact on my career journey. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to each of you for the enriching collaboration, unwavering support, and invaluable wisdom shared during our time together.

As I embark on this new chapter, I carry with me the lessons learned and the camaraderie forged. While this decision marks the end of my current role, I remain optimistic that our professional paths may intersect again in the future. I eagerly anticipate that possibility.

For any follow-up or future communication, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [YOUR EMAIL]. Your understanding and cooperation during this transitional period are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for the trust placed in me during my tenure. I am confident in the team's continued success and look forward to witnessing the ongoing growth and achievements of [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

Best Regards,


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