Employee Travel and Expense Reimbursement Manual HR

Employee Travel and Expense Reimbursement Manual HR


Welcome to the [Your Company Name] Employee Travel and Expense Reimbursement Manual. This manual serves as a comprehensive guide for employees to understand the policies and procedures related to travel and expense reimbursement. Adherence to this manual ensures fair and consistent practices across the organization. This manual is a part of our commitment to transparency and operational efficiency.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this manual is to outline the policies and procedures for travel and expense reimbursement at [Your Company Name]. This manual applies to all employees, contractors, and other individuals who incur travel and other related expenses on behalf of the company. The scope of this manual extends to all departments and levels within the organization.


  • Expense Report: A detailed account of expenditures made by the employee during business travel. This report should be submitted within a specified timeframe.

  • Receipt: A written acknowledgment that a specified article or sum of money has been received. Original receipts are required for reimbursement.

  • Per Diem: A daily allowance for expenses such as meals and incidental costs. The rate is determined by the company's finance department.

Travel Policies

Air Travel

Employees are expected to book the most economical and direct flights for their business travel. Upgrades and additional services must be pre-approved by the HR department. All bookings should be done through [Your Company Name]'s designated travel agency. Frequent flier miles accrued during business travel can be retained by the employee but should not influence the choice of airline.

Ground Transportation

Employees may use taxis, ride-sharing services, or rental cars for ground transportation. The choice of service should be based on cost-effectiveness and convenience. Employees are encouraged to use public transportation where feasible and safe.


Accommodation should be booked in advance and should be of a standard that provides safe and convenient lodging. Employees are encouraged to use [Your Company Name]'s corporate rates where applicable. Room service and mini-bar expenses are generally not reimbursable unless pre-approved.

Meals and Entertainment

Employees are reimbursed for reasonable meal expenses. Entertainment expenses are subject to pre-approval and should be within the limits set by the company. Alcohol is generally not reimbursable unless it is a part of a pre-approved client dinner.

Expense Reimbursement

Eligible Expenses

Expense Type




Economy class tickets


Ground Transport

Taxis, ride-sharing, rentals



Hotels, motels



Breakfast, lunch, dinner



Client meetings, team outings


Eligible expenses must be directly related to the business activity and should be reasonable in nature. Any expense exceeding the limit must be pre-approved.

Ineligible Expenses

Ineligible expenses include but are not limited to personal items, fines, and unapproved upgrades. Expenses for family members or friends are also not reimbursable unless explicitly approved in advance.

Reimbursement Process

To initiate the reimbursement process, employees must submit an expense report along with all necessary receipts within 10 business days of completing the travel. The HR department will review the report and either approve it for payment or request additional information.

Compliance and Auditing

Failure to comply with the policies outlined in this manual may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to the denial of reimbursement claims. Periodic audits will be conducted to ensure compliance. Employees found to be in violation may be subject to further investigation and disciplinary action.

Amendments and Updates

This manual may be amended or updated periodically. Employees will be notified via [Your Company Email] of any changes. It is the responsibility of each employee to stay updated on the latest policies and procedures.

Contact Information

For any questions or clarifications, please contact:

Human Resources Department

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Number]

[Your Company Email]

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