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Safety Violation Notice HR

Safety Violation Notice HR

To: [Employee Name]

Employee ID: [ID Number]

Department: [Department]

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to inform you about a serious safety violation that occurred on [Month, Day, Year], in the workplace. It has come to our attention that you were involved in an incident that breaches our company's safety protocols and policies.


Date and Time: [Month, Day, Year], [Time]

Location: [Incident Location]


Immediate Action Required

In light of this safety violation, we take this matter seriously and expect all employees to adhere to our safety guidelines at all times. Immediate action is required to rectify this situation:

  • You are required to attend a mandatory meeting with the HR department [Month, Day, Year] at [Time], during which we will discuss the incident further and any potential consequences.

  • You will be expected to provide a written statement describing your perspective on the incident.

We will conduct a thorough investigation to gather all necessary information regarding the violation.

Depending on the outcome of the investigation, disciplinary actions may be taken, which can range from verbal counseling to written warnings, suspension, or even termination of employment, as deemed appropriate.

Safety is a fundamental value at [Your Company Name], and it is crucial that all employees prioritize it. We expect your full cooperation throughout this process, as it is essential for maintaining a safe and secure work environment for all.

Please contact me at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email] if you have any questions or concerns regarding this notice or the upcoming meeting. Failure to attend the mandatory meeting or cooperate during the investigation may result in further disciplinary action.

We trust that you will take this matter seriously and work with us to ensure the safety of all employees.


[Your Name]

Human Resources Manager

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