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Activity Itinerary

Activity Itinerary

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


Location: Cascade Falls, Oregon

This comprehensive itinerary is designed for a weekend retreat that aims to strengthen team bonds through a blend of adventure, teamwork, and reflective activities. The schedule is crafted to engage participants in a variety of experiences that promote collaboration, problem-solving, and personal growth within a relaxed and supportive environment. Our goal is to ensure that by the end of the weekend, every team member feels more connected, inspired, and rejuvenated.

Time Slot

Saturday Activities

Sunday Activities

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Welcome Breakfast and Icebreaker Challenges: Start the day with a hearty breakfast and fun icebreaker games.

Nature Hike and Photography: Explore the scenic trails capturing the beauty of the wilderness.

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Adventure Course: Engage in a thrilling outdoor obstacle course designed to build teamwork and resilience.

Creative Workshop: Participate in a pottery or painting session to explore and express creativity.

2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Team-building Scavenger Hunt: Embark on a problem-solving adventure in search of hidden treasures.

Collaborative Cooking Experience: Teams cook a meal together, focusing on cooperation and culinary skills.

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Reflection and Growth Session: Share experiences and learnings from the day’s activities in a guided session.

Free Time for Personal Reflection or Leisure: Enjoy the resort’s amenities or quiet time.

7:00 PM onwards

Campfire Night: Enjoy a communal meal followed by stories and music around the campfire.

Farewell Dinner and Awards Ceremony: Celebrate the weekend’s achievements with a special dinner.

Additional Reminders:

  • RSVP: Please confirm your attendance two weeks prior to the event.

  • Dietary Needs: Inform the organizers of any dietary restrictions well in advance.

  • Attire: Comfortable clothing is recommended for daytime activities. Please bring warm clothes for the evenings.

  • Mindset: The retreat’s success relies on everyone’s participation and openness to new experiences. Let’s make it a memorable weekend for all!

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