Free Safety Committee Operational Manual HR Template



Free Safety Committee Operational Manual HR Template

Safety Committee Operational Manual

Purpose and Scope

The Safety Committee Operational Manual outlines the policies, procedures, and responsibilities for the Safety Committee at [Your Company Name]. Its purpose is to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, and visitors, as well as to comply with all relevant safety regulations.

Company Overview

[Your Company Name] specializes in the manufacturing of industrial equipment. The company operates in a facility that houses various production processes and machinery. Ensuring the safety of employees and the workplace is of paramount importance to the company's operations.

Committee Membership

The Safety Committee is composed of representatives from various departments and roles within the company, including production, maintenance, administration, and management. The committee members are appointed by department heads and serve a term of one year, with the possibility of reappointment.


Leads meetings, sets the agenda, and ensures committee objectives are met.


Actively participate in committee activities, provide input, and represent their respective departments.

Safety Officer

Provides guidance, support, and technical expertise to the committee.

Term Limits

Committee members are appointed for a term of two (2) years. Initial appointments are staggered to ensure continuity. Half of the committee members are appointed in even-numbered years, and the other half in odd-numbered years. Members may serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms, totaling four years. After serving two consecutive terms, members are required to step down from the committee for a minimum of one (1) year before becoming eligible for reappointment.

To maintain a balanced and diverse committee, members who have served two consecutive terms may be considered for reappointment after the one-year break, but priority will be given to new nominees. Members who step down from the committee may still participate in safety initiatives and subcommittees, providing valuable input and support.

Meeting Frequency

The Safety Committee meets monthly on a predetermined schedule. Special meetings may be called in case of emergencies or urgent safety matters.

Agendas are distributed to committee members prior to each meeting and include topics for discussion, action items, and updates. Meeting minutes are documented and distributed within one week after the meeting, outlining discussions, decisions, and action items.

Communication Channels

The committee communicates through emails, meetings, and a dedicated communication platform. All employees are encouraged to submit safety concerns and suggestions through a designated anonymous reporting system.

Reporting Hazards

Employees are encouraged to report hazards promptly using the Safety Hazard Report Form. Completed forms should be submitted to their immediate supervisor or department head. If the hazard poses an immediate danger, appropriate action must be taken to mitigate the risk.

Date and Time:



Contact Information: 

March 10, 2050, 09:30 AM

Marion Bryson


222 555 777

Hazard Description

There is a puddle of oil near the CNC machine in the production area. It's slippery and poses a slipping hazard to anyone passing by.


Production Area, near CNC Machine #3


High (based on risk assessment)

Action Taken

Placed a "Caution: Slippery Surface" sign near the oil puddle.



Assign someone to clean up the oil spill immediately.

Investigate the cause to prevent future spills.

Ensure proper maintenance of CNC machines to prevent leaks.

Supervisor Review

Reviewed the report and assigned the maintenance team to clean up the spill

Date of Resolution

March 10, 2050, 10:15 AM

Hazard Assessment

The [Your Company Name] reviews and assesses reported hazards. A Hazard Assessment Team is formed to evaluate the severity, likelihood, and potential consequences of each reported hazard. The team uses the Hazard Assessment Matrix.


Severity (1-5)

Likelihood (1-5)

Potential Consequences

Risk Level

Wet Floor



Slips, trips, and falls resulting in minor to moderate injuries.


High Voltage



Electrocution, serious injuries, or fatalities.


Chemical Exposure



Burns, poisoning, long-term health effects.


Falling Objects



Head injuries, fractures, or fatalities.


Trip Hazard



Trips leading to minor to moderate injuries.


Radiation Exposure



Cancer, radiation sickness, long-term health effects.


Severity Scale:

1: Negligible – Minor injuries, no or minimal health effects.

2: Minor – Minor injuries requiring first aid.

3: Moderate – Serious injuries requiring professional medical treatment.

4: Major – Life-threatening injuries with potential for permanent disability.

5: Catastrophic – Fatalities or widespread catastrophic effects.

Likelihood Scale:

1: Rare – May happen only in exceptional circumstances.

2: Unlikely – Could happen at some time.

3: Possible – Might happen at some time.

4: Likely – Will probably happen in most circumstances.

5: Almost Certain – Expected to happen in most circumstances.

Risk Level:

Low: Low priority. Monitor the situation to ensure that the risk does not increase.

Medium: Moderate risk. Requires specific monitoring or action to reduce the risk.

High: High priority. Immediate action is required to mitigate the risk.

Risk Mitigation

Based on the hazard assessment, the committee identifies appropriate risk mitigation strategies. Mitigation strategies are selected from the Hazard Mitigation Options Table. The responsible department or individual is assigned to implement the chosen strategy. Progress is monitored, and the hazard is re-evaluated to ensure effectiveness.

Hazard Type

Mitigation Options

Physical Hazards

Engineering controls, machine guarding, barricades

Chemical Hazards

Ventilation systems, personal protective equipment

Biological Hazards

Isolation procedures, vaccinations, hygiene protocols

Ergonomic Hazards

Workspace redesign, ergonomic equipment

Psychosocial Hazards

Employee counseling, stress management programs

Incident Reporting

All incidents, accidents, and injuries must be reported immediately to supervisors and the safety officer. An incident report form is used to document details.

Any employee who witnesses or is involved in an incident must report it immediately to their immediate supervisor. The supervisor must complete an Incident Report Form within 3 Days. The completed form is submitted to the Safety Officer for review.

Investigation Process

The committee conducts thorough investigations of incidents to determine root causes. Corrective and preventive actions are then proposed and implemented

The Safety Officer forms an Incident Investigation Team within 2 Days of receiving the incident report. The team identifies root causes and contributing factors. Corrective and preventive actions are proposed and assigned to responsible individuals or departments.

Corrective Actions

Corrective actions may involve process changes, additional training, equipment modifications, or disciplinary measures as needed to prevent future incidents. Corrective actions are prioritized based on their impact and feasibility.

Responsible individuals or departments are assigned to implement each corrective action. A timeline for implementation is established. Progress is monitored regularly until all corrective actions are completed.

Training Programs

[Your Company Name] provides comprehensive safety training programs for employees, contractors, and new hires. The committee ensures training compliance and evaluates its effectiveness.

The Training Coordinator develops an annual training plan based on identified training needs. Employees are scheduled for mandatory safety training sessions. Training records are maintained to track employee training progress.

Training Topic

Target Audience

Training Date

Fire Safety

All Employees

January 15

First Aid/CPR

Designated First Aid Team

February 20

Hazardous Materials

Chemical Handlers, Supervisors

March 25

Electrical Safety

Maintenance Staff

April 10

Fall Prevention

All Employees

May 15

Machine Safety

Machine Operators

June 20

Emergency Response

Emergency Response Team

July 10

Hazard Communication

Chemical Handlers

August 15


Maintenance Staff

September 10

Confined Space Entry

Confined Space Workers

October 15

Respiratory Protection

Respiratory Users

November 20

Workplace Ergonomics

Office Employees

December 10

Awareness Campaigns

Regular safety awareness campaigns are conducted to keep safety at the forefront of employees' minds. These campaigns utilize posters, newsletters, and safety reminders.

Campaign Title



"Safe Work Month"


Promotes safety throughout the month

"Fall Prevention"

March, September

Focuses on preventing fall incidents

"Electrical Safety"


Raises awareness about electrical hazards

"Emergency Preparedness"


Promotes readiness for emergencies

"Chemical Safety"


Emphasizes safe handling of chemicals

"Machine Safety"


Focuses on safe machine operation

"Fire Safety"


Promotes fire prevention and safety

"Health and Wellness"


Encourages employee well-being

"Year-End Safety Review"


Reviews the year's safety achievements

Compliance Monitoring

The committee monitors compliance with safety policies and regulations through regular audits and assessments. Non-compliance issues are addressed promptly.

Emergency Plans

The Emergency Response Team develops and updates emergency response plans for various scenarios. Plans are communicated to all employees and contractors. Plans are reviewed annually and after any significant facility changes.

Evacuation Procedures

Evacuation routes and assembly points are clearly marked and communicated to all employees. Regular evacuation drills are conducted.

Drill Type


Date of Last Drill


Fire Drill


January 10, 2050

Evacuation time improved compared to the last drill.

Chemical Spill Drill


March 20, 2050

Smooth evacuation, but communication can be enhanced.

Severe Weather Drill


May 30, 2050

Employees responded well to shelter instructions.

Cybersecurity Drill


August 15, 2050

Systems successfully isolated during the drill.

Active Shooter Drill


October 25, 2050

Improved response time and communication.

Medical Emergency Drill


December 5, 2050

Medical team response was prompt and efficient.

Emergency Drills

Emergency drills are conducted annually to ensure all employees are familiar with evacuation procedures and emergency response protocols.

Emergency drills are announced to employees in advance. Drill coordinators oversee the drill and evaluate employee responses. After each drill, a debriefing session is held to discuss strengths and areas for improvement.

Inspection Schedule

Regular safety inspections are conducted by committee members and department representatives. Inspection schedules are established to cover all areas of the facility.

External safety audits are conducted annually by a qualified third-party auditor. Internal audit findings are reviewed by the committee, and corrective actions are tracked.

Findings and recommendations from inspections and audits are documented, and actions are taken to address identified issues.

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