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Lockout/Tagout Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) HR

Lockout/Tagout Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) HR


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to protect [Company Name]'s workforce by establishing a clear and uniform process for the lockout and tagout of machines and equipment. Lockout/tagout procedures are vital to prevent unexpected energization, start-ups, or the release of stored energy during maintenance and servicing operations. These measures are essential in reducing the risk of injuries, preserving the integrity of our equipment, and upholding our company's commitment to creating a safe working environment for all its employees.


This SOP is comprehensive, covering all aspects of lockout/tagout procedures within our company's operations:

  • Equipment and Machines: This includes all equipment, machines, and devices with energy sources that can be locked out or tagged out. This ranges from large industrial machinery to specific electrical equipment.

  • Personnel: The procedure applies to every individual working under our company's banner, whether they are permanent employees, contractors, part-time staff, or visitors. This ensures everyone, regardless of their role or duration of association with our company, understands and adheres to our safety standards.

  • Locations: All our company facilities, sites, and operations, whether owned or leased, are encompassed under this SOP. Special consideration might be required for joint ventures or shared facilities to ensure seamless integration of safety procedures.

  • Types of Energy: This SOP pertains to all forms of energy – electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or any other type that might pose a risk during equipment servicing or maintenance.

Every individual associated with our company should be aware of this SOP's contents and the importance of lockout/tagout procedures. Non-compliance or deviation from this SOP is considered a serious breach of safety and will be addressed accordingly.


The effective implementation of lockout/tagout procedures necessitates clear roles and responsibilities. Every tier of our company's hierarchy has a part to play in ensuring the safety of all stakeholders. By understanding and adhering to designated responsibilities, we can collaboratively maintain a safe environment and prevent unforeseen incidents.




  • Allocate necessary resources for lockout/tagout procedures

  • Ensure regular training and refreshers are conducted

  • Periodically review and update the SOP to reflect current best practices and regulations.


  • Supervise and ensure the proper execution of lockout/tagout procedures

  • Address non-compliance immediately

  • Mentor and guide team members in safe practices

  • Coordinate with management to relay feedback and suggestions.


  • Attend mandatory training sessions and stay updated on lockout/tagout practices

  • Comply with the SOP at all times

  • Report any discrepancies, malfunctions, or unsafe conditions promptly

  • Collaborate with colleagues to foster a culture of safety.

Contractors / Visitors

  • Familiarize themselves with our company's lockout/tagout SOP before commencing any work or visit

  • Ensure compliance with our safety standards during their association

  • Report any observations or concerns to the designated our company representative.


  • This involves reviewing equipment manuals, schematic diagrams, and any relevant operational guidelines to ensure a full understanding of the shutdown process.

  • Ensure that all personnel, especially those directly affected by the procedure, are informed about the planned lockout/tagout. This not only ensures safety but also avoids unnecessary operational disruptions.

  • Adhering to the manufacturer's guidelines or our in-house procedures, switch off the machine or equipment. This step ensures that the equipment is in a non-operational state before isolation.

  • Ensure the machine or equipment is disconnected or isolated from its energy source(s). This can involve unplugging, shutting off valves, or other measures appropriate to the energy type.

  • This ensures that the machine or equipment remains de-energized until the maintenance or service is complete. Remember, only authorized personnel should have access to the keys.

  • Before starting work, it's imperative to check for and neutralize or relieve any such residual energy. This could involve releasing pressure, draining fluids, or other appropriate actions.

  • This involves a thorough check to confirm that the equipment is truly isolated and poses no risk. This can be done by attempting to operate the machine, ensuring it remains non-functional.

Removal of Lockout/Tagout Devices

As essential as it is to establish and enforce lockout/tagout procedures, it's equally crucial to understand and strictly adhere to the procedures for the safe removal of these devices. This ensures a smooth transition back to operational status while maintaining the safety integrity of the entire process.


Before initiating the removal of any lockout or tagout device, a thorough inspection is mandatory. This inspection serves to:

  • Ensure that all tools, equipment, and other materials used during maintenance or service have been properly stored or cleared away from the work area.

  • Confirm that all components of the machine or equipment are in their correct positions, securely fastened, and fit for standard operation.

  • Check for any potential hazards that might have been introduced during the maintenance or service period.


Communication remains pivotal throughout the lockout/tagout process. Before removing any devices:

  • All affected employees must be informed about the intended removal of the lockout/tagout devices.

  • They should be made aware of when the equipment will be restored to its operational status and any precautions they should observe during this transition.

  • This step ensures that all personnel are prepared for the machine or equipment to be reactivated, preventing any surprises or inadvertent mishaps.

Device Removal

The standard practice is for the lockout/tagout devices to be removed by the same individual who applied them. This ensures continuity and reduces the risk of errors since the person is familiar with the nuances of that particular procedure. However, in situations where this is not feasible due to reasons like shift changes, absenteeism, etc., documentation specifying the reason for the deviation and the individuals involved in the device removal should be maintained for record purposes and future reviews.


Proper training is the foundation of a safe and effective lockout/tagout program. Our company is committed to ensuring that every individual who interacts with or is affected by our machinery and equipment is equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills. This not only minimizes risks but also fosters a culture of safety awareness and proactive communication.

Program Name




LOTO Basics & Safety Protocols


Introduction to LOTO, safety protocols, equipment usage, risk areas.

[Month Day, Year]

Advanced Lockout/Tagout Techniques


Detailed procedures, advanced tools, troubleshooting common issues.

[Month Day, Year]

Emergency Response & Scenarios


How to respond in emergencies, scenario-based drills, post-emergency protocols.

[Month Day, Year]

Refresher & Knowledge Assessment


Recap of all procedures, updates on any changes, knowledge assessment test.

Last week of every quarter

  • At the end of every training session, an assessment or evaluation is conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the training and ensure that the attendees have thoroughly grasped the concepts.

  • All training sessions, attendees, dates, and assessment results are meticulously documented. This ensures transparency and allows for tracking and verification when needed.


Ensuring the ongoing effectiveness and relevance of the Lockout/Tagout Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) requires regular reviews and audits. Our company is committed to upholding the highest safety standards, and as part of this commitment, we have established the following review protocols:

  • Annual SOP Review: The entirety of the SOP will undergo a comprehensive review annually. This review will encompass not just the written procedures but also real-world practices, ensuring that the SOP aligns with ground realities and is effectively addressing all potential risks.

  • Feedback Integration: Feedback from employees, especially those directly involved in lockout/tagout procedures, is invaluable. Through periodic surveys and open forums, we aim to gather insights and suggestions, ensuring that our SOP is both practical and effective.

  • Incident Analysis: In the unfortunate event of any incidents, a detailed post-incident analysis will be conducted. Any findings or lessons from these analyses will be integrated into the SOP to prevent recurrence.

  • Regulatory Compliance Check: With ever-evolving safety regulations and industry standards, our SOP will be cross-referenced with current regulations to ensure full compliance. Any necessary modifications will be promptly implemented.

  • Technology & Equipment Updates: As our company introduces new machinery, equipment, or adopts new technologies, the SOP will be updated to address any unique lockout/tagout requirements or considerations these might introduce.

  • Audit Results: External or internal audits focused on safety procedures, especially lockout/tagout practices, will serve as an additional input for the SOP review. Any recommendations or findings from these audits will be taken into account.

  • Review Documentation: Each review will be meticulously documented, detailing the date, participants, changes made, and the rationale behind those changes. This ensures transparency and provides a clear historical record for future reference.

Revision History


Date of Revision

Sections Revised

Summary of Changes

Revised By


[Initial Issue Date]


Initial release












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