Free Inclusion Feedback Form HR Template

Inclusion Feedback Form

The goal of this feedback form is to assess our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment at [Your Company Name]. We value every individual's perspective and aim to make continual improvements in ensuring our workplace is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

Full Name: [Name]

Department: [Department]

Date: September 27, 2050

Position: [Job Title]

On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being "Strongly Disagree" and 5 being "Strongly Agree"), how would you rate the following statements about our company's environment?







I feel valued and included at [Your Company Name].

My opinions are respected regardless of my background or identity.

I see diverse representation in leadership roles.

Our company actively seeks diverse perspectives in decision-making.

I am comfortable being myself at work.

  1. How effective did you find the Inclusion Training?

    The training was very effective and I have seen positive results in our workplace.

  2. What additional topics or resources would you recommend for future training?

  3. Are you aware of any initiatives [Your Company Name] has launched in the past year? If yes, please provide feedback on these initiatives or suggest areas for improvement:

  4. Please provide any other feedback, observations, or suggestions regarding inclusion at [Your Company Name]:

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on our inclusion efforts. Together, we can make [Your Company Name] a more inclusive place to work. Please return this form to the HR Department by October 5, 2050.

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