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Diversity Committee Charter HR

Diversity Committee Charter


At [Your Company Name], we believe in the power and potential of a diverse workforce. Diversity fuels creativity, enhances representation, and drives innovation. This charter outlines the structure, objectives, and responsibilities of the Diversity Committee, a body committed to promoting and ensuring a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment for all employees.

1. Purpose

  • The Diversity Committee (DC) is established to:

  • Advocate for a workplace that recognizes, respects, and values diversity.

  • Provide strategic guidance on diversity initiatives, training, and programs.

  • Monitor and report on the company's diversity and inclusion metrics.

2. Objectives

  • Develop a strategic plan to foster an inclusive company culture.

  • Identify and address areas for improvement in hiring practices, career advancement, and workplace culture.

  • Provide a platform for employees to voice concerns and suggestions regarding diversity and inclusion.

  • Organize diversity awareness programs, events, and training sessions.

3. Composition & Structure

  • Chairperson: [Name], [Position]

  • Vice-Chairperson: [Name], [Position]

  • Members: Representatives from various departments, ensuring a mix of genders, races, ages, abilities, and backgrounds.

  • Term: Members will serve a 2-year term, renewable based on mutual agreement.

4. Responsibilities

  1. Develop and maintain a diversity and inclusion policy for [Your Company Name].

  2. Conduct periodic reviews of company policies and procedures to ensure alignment with diversity goals.

  3. Create and implement diversity training programs.

  4. Collaborate with HR for unbiased recruitment and fair promotion processes.

  5. Monitor, measure, and report on diversity metrics.

  6. Collaborate with external organizations and experts to drive the diversity agenda.

5. Meetings

  1. Frequency: Bi-monthly or as required.

  2. Agenda & Minutes: An agenda will be circulated a week prior to meetings, and minutes will be distributed within a week after.

  3. Quorum: At least half of the committee members must be present for the meeting to proceed.

6. Reporting

  1. The DC will provide quarterly updates to senior management on progress, challenges, and recommendations.

  2. An annual diversity report will be published, detailing accomplishments, metrics, and goals for the next year.

7. Evaluation & Review

  1. The DC's performance will be evaluated annually against set objectives.

  2. This charter will be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

8. Confidentiality

All discussions, documents, and information shared within the committee will be treated as confidential unless specified otherwise.


The Diversity Committee is an essential body within [Your Company Name], ensuring that our commitment to diversity and inclusion is not just on paper but is lived and experienced every day by every employee. With the guidance and oversight of this committee, [Your Company Name] aspires to be a beacon for diversity and inclusion in the industry.

Approved by:

[CEO Name]

CEO, [Your Company Name]


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