Free Credit Card Cancellation Letter Template



Free Credit Card Cancellation Letter Template

Credit Card Cancellation Letter



May 24, 2050

Global Credit Services

Customer Service Department

2248 Cityview Drive,

Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing this letter to request the cancellation of my credit card account with Global Credit Services. This cancellation is due to reason(s) that require me to cease having a financial relationship through this credit card account.


I kindly request the immediate suspension of all the charges and the confirmation of the same. Upon completion of the cancellation process, please send a written confirmation to my address, stating that my account has been closed and that my credit file reflects that this account was closed at my request.


I would like to express my gratitude for your service during the period I used the credit card. I trust that you will handle this request as a matter of urgency and prioritize the security of the personal and financial information tied to this account.


Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this urgent issue.


Yours faithfully,



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