Egypt itinerary

Egypt Itinerary

This Egypt travel itinerary offers a comprehensive exploration of the country's ancient wonders, ensuring an unforgettable journey through history and culture. Designed for travelers seeking a seamless and enriching experience, this itinerary serves as a detailed guide, outlining each day's activities and providing valuable insights to maximize enjoyment and discovery.

Day 1: Arrival in Cairo

  • Arrive at Cairo International Airport and check-in to your hotel.

  • Take a leisurely walk around the hotel's vicinity to get acquainted with the local area.

  • Enjoy a delicious dinner at a traditional Egyptian restaurant.

  • Overnight stay in Cairo.

Day 2: Exploring the Pyramids of Giza

  • Visit the Pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

  • Explore the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure.

  • Take a camel ride around the pyramids for a unique perspective.

  • Visit the Sphinx and learn about its history and significance.

  • Explore the nearby Saqqara Necropolis and the Step Pyramid of Djoser.

  • Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay in Cairo.

Day 3: Discovering Ancient Cairo

  • Visit the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square and marvel at its vast collection of ancient artifacts, including the treasures of King Tutankhamun.

  • Explore the Citadel of Salah al-Din and the Mosque of Muhammad Ali.

  • Visit the historic Khan El Khalili Bazaar and indulge in some shopping for souvenirs and local crafts.

  • Overnight stay in Cairo.

Day 4: Luxor - The Ancient City

  • Check-out and catch a flight to Luxor.

  • Upon arrival in Luxor, visit the Karnak Temple Complex, one of the largest religious sites in the world.

  • Explore the Luxor Temple and learn about its fascinating history.

  • Visit the Valley of the Kings and explore the tombs of the ancient pharaohs.

  • Explore the Temple of Hatshepsut, dedicated to the only female pharaoh of ancient Egypt.

  • Check-in at your hotel in Luxor.

Day 5: Cruising the Nile

  • Check-out and transfer to the Nile River for a cruise experience.

  • Board your Nile cruise ship and enjoy lunch on board.

  • Visit the Temple of Kom Ombo, dedicated to the crocodile god Sobek.

  • Continue sailing to Edfu and visit the Temple of Horus, the best-preserved ancient temple in Egypt.

  • Dinner on the Nile cruise ship.

Day 6: Exploring Aswan

  • Breakfast on the Nile cruise ship.

  • Visit the High Dam, a modern engineering marvel on the Nile River.

  • Explore the Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, on Agilkia Island.

  • Lunch on board the cruise ship.

  • Enjoy a traditional felucca ride on the Nile River.

Day 7: Back to Cairo

  • Disembark from the cruise ship and transfer to Aswan Airport for a flight back to Cairo.

  • Upon arrival in Cairo, transfer to your hotel.

  • Free time for shopping or optional activities.

  • Farewell dinner at a local restaurant.

  • Overnight stay in Cairo.

Day 8: Departure

  • Check-out and transfer to Cairo International Airport for your departure flight.

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