Free Diversity SWOT Survey HR Template



Free Diversity SWOT Survey HR Template

Diversity SWOT Survey

We appreciate your participation in this Diversity SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Survey. The information gathered will aid in our continuous improvement and commitment to diversity.

Participant Information





Question 1

In your opinion, what are our organization's strengths in terms of diversity?

Question 2

How does our organization utilize diverse talents and viewpoints positively?


Question 3

What do you believe are our organization's weaknesses or areas for improvement in terms of diversity?

Question 4

Have you ever seen an instance where lack of diversity led to challenges within our organization?


Question 5

What opportunities could be harnessed to improve diversity within our organization?

Question 6

How do you think the organization could capitalize on the strengths you've mentioned above?


Question 7

What potential threats or challenges could arise from lack of diversity within our organization?

Question 8

How could the weaknesses you've mentioned impact our goals and objectives?


Question 9

What suggestions do you have to improve diversity within our organization?

Question 10

Are there any additional comments or suggestions you would like to share regarding diversity within our organization?

Your responses are confidential, and your personal information will remain anonymous. We encourage open and honest feedback.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this Diversity SWOT Survey. Your input is invaluable as we work towards fostering a more inclusive and diverse environment at [Your Company Name]. Your voice matters, and together, we can make positive changes.

HR Templates