Free Credit Card Declined Transaction Letter Template



Free Credit Card Declined Transaction Letter Template

Credit Card Declined Transaction Letter

November 1, 2050

Ms. Annette Walker

2457 Tuna Street
Harsens Island, MI 48028

Dear Ms. Walker,

I'm writing from [YOUR COMPANY NAME] to furnish you with an update about a recent credit card transaction attempt on your account. Regrettably, we had to decline this transaction.

As per the details available to us, this decision was made due to insufficient funds present in the account tied to this credit card. Please be aware that this is important to safeguard your account's financial health and to prevent any potential issues in the future.

We advise you to review your account balance or reach out to your bank if you believe there has been a misunderstanding. Once you're confident that sufficient funds are available, you're welcome to reattempt the transaction. Rest assured, we strive to provide a seamless experience for you at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and we regret any inconvenience this may have caused.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information or assistance regarding this matter. We appreciate your understanding and we are ready to support you amidst such situations.



Customer Service Representative


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