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Long-Term Service Award Checklist HR

Long-Term Service Award Checklist


The Long-Term Service Award program at [Company Name] is designed to honor and celebrate our employees who have dedicated a significant portion of their careers to our organization. This checklist is provided to assist HR personnel and managers in the seamless execution of the program.

Award Criteria

Before proceeding, ensure that the following criteria for eligibility are met:

  • Employees must have completed a minimum of 5 years of continuous service.

  • Eligible employees include full-time and part-time staff.

Award Types

[Company Name] offers various Long-Term Service Awards based on years of service. These awards are designed to recognize the dedication and commitment of our long-serving employees. Below are the details for each milestone:

5-Year Service Award

  • Award Name: "Silver Service Achievement”

  • Description: The 5-Year Service Award is presented to employees who have completed a milestone of five years with [Company Name]. It recognizes their valuable contributions and loyalty to our organization. Recipients will receive a customized plaque and a $500 gift card.

10-Year Service Award

  • Award Name: "Gold Service Excellence"

  • Description: The 10-Year Service Award is a testament to a decade of dedication and excellence in serving [Company Name]. Employees who achieve this milestone will receive a commemorative trophy and a $1,000 travel voucher.

15-Year Service Award

  • Award Name: "Diamond Service Milestone"

  • Description: The 15-Year Service Award celebrates employees who have shown unwavering commitment for 15 years with [Company Name]. This prestigious award includes a personalized crystal award and a $2,500 cash bonus.

Award Planning

1. Award Committee Formation

  • Appoint a committee responsible for overseeing the award program.

  • Include representatives from HR, management, and other relevant departments.

2. Budget Allocation

  • Determine the budget for the Long-Term Service Award program.

  • Allocate funds for each award category and milestone.

3. Award Selection

  • Define the criteria for selecting recipients for each milestone.

  • Ensure a fair and transparent selection process.

4. Award Procurement

  • Identify suppliers or vendors for the awards.

  • Obtain quotes and select the awards that align with the budget and criteria.

Employee Communication

1. Announcement

  • Inform eligible employees about the Long-Term Service Award program and its criteria.

  • Provide clear communication regarding the selection process and timelines.

2. Nomination

  • Encourage employees to nominate their colleagues who meet the award criteria.

  • Set a nomination deadline.

3. Notification

  • Notify award recipients in a timely and confidential manner.

  • Communicate details about the award presentation event.

Award Presentation

1. Event Planning

  • Organize an award presentation event to recognize recipients.

  • Select a date, time, and venue.

2. Invitations

  • Send formal invitations to award recipients and their managers.

  • Include event details and RSVP instructions.

3. Presentation

  • Prepare speeches and presentations for the award ceremony.

  • Coordinate with speakers, including senior management and colleagues of recipients.

4. Awards

  • Ensure that the Long-Term Service Awards are properly engraved and prepared for presentation.

  • Arrange for their delivery to the event venue.

Post-Award Activities

1. Recognition

  • Publicly acknowledge and celebrate the award recipients during the event.

  • Consider featuring their profiles in company communications.

2. Documentation

  • Maintain records of award recipients and their years of service.

  • Document event photos and speeches for future reference.

3. Feedback

  • Collect feedback from recipients and attendees to improve future award ceremonies.


The Long-Term Service Award program is an important way to recognize and appreciate the dedication of our long-serving employees. By following this checklist, we aim to ensure a smooth and meaningful award process.

For questions or assistance, please contact the HR department at [Company Email] or [Company Number].

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