Employee Perks and Benefits Feasibility Study HR

Employee Perks and Benefits Feasibility Study HR

Executive Summary

This feasibility study has been conducted to assess the viability of enhancing our employee perks and benefits program. Our aim is to ensure that the proposed additions and modifications align with our strategic goals of attracting, retaining, and motivating top talent, while also considering financial sustainability and legal compliance. The study encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of our current perks and benefits, an assessment of employee needs and preferences, a market and cost analysis, and an implementation strategy. Key findings indicate a strong demand for more flexible working arrangements, comprehensive health and wellness programs, and enhanced professional development opportunities. The proposed enhancements are expected to increase employee satisfaction and engagement significantly, with an estimated 15% reduction in turnover rates and a 10% improvement in productivity. However, the initial cost analysis suggests a 20% increase in our annual benefits expenditure.


The primary objective of this feasibility study is to evaluate the practicality and impact of introducing new perks and benefits or enhancing existing ones within our organization. The study aims to:

  • Identify gaps in our current perks and benefits offerings compared to industry standards and employee expectations.

  • Assess employee preferences and needs regarding perks and benefits.

  • Analyze the financial implications and ROI of proposed perks and benefits.

  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Develop an implementation plan for the introduction of new perks and benefits.

Importance of Employee Perks and Benefits

In today’s competitive job market, a compelling perks and benefits package is crucial for attracting and retaining the best talent. Beyond compensation, employee perks and benefits significantly contribute to job satisfaction, employee well-being, and work-life balance, thereby enhancing overall productivity and loyalty to the company.

Scope of the Study

The scope of this study encompasses an analysis of our current perks and benefits, market research on industry trends, an assessment of employee preferences through surveys and focus groups, financial cost analysis, and a legal compliance review. This study covers various categories of perks and benefits, including but not limited to, health and wellness, professional development, flexible work arrangements, and financial benefits.

Current State Analysis

Our organization currently offers a variety of perks and benefits designed to support the well-being, professional growth, and work-life balance of our employees. This analysis aims to assess the current offerings, measure employee satisfaction levels, and compare our perks and benefits with industry standards and those offered by our competitors. Understanding where we stand will help identify areas for improvement and opportunities to enhance our value proposition to current and prospective employees.

Existing Perks and Benefits Offered

  • Health Insurance: Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision plans.

  • Retirement Plans: 401(k) plan with company matching up to 4% of the employee’s salary.

  • Paid Time Off (PTO): 20 days of PTO per year, including vacation, sick leave, and personal days.

  • Professional Development: Reimbursement for job-related courses and training up to $2,000 per year.

  • Flexible Working Arrangements: Option for remote work up to 2 days a week.

  • Wellness Programs: Access to a company-sponsored gym membership and wellness challenges.

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Support services for mental health, financial planning, and legal concerns.

Employee Satisfaction Levels with Current Offerings


Satisfaction Level (%)

Health Insurance


Retirement Plans


Paid Time Off (PTO)


Professional Development


Flexible Working Arrangements


Wellness Programs


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)


Comparison with Industry Standards and Competitors


Our Offering

Industry Standard

Leading Competitor

Health Insurance



Comprehensive + Health Savings Account (HSA)

Retirement Plans

4% match

3-5% match

6% match

Paid Time Off (PTO)

20 days

15-20 days

25 days

Professional Development

$2,000 reimbursement

Up to $1,500 reimbursement

$3,000 reimbursement + dedicated training days

Flexible Working Arrangements

Up to 2 days remote per week

Varies widely; increasingly common

Fully remote options

Wellness Programs

Gym membership + challenges

Gym membership or stipend

Comprehensive wellness platform + mental health days

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Standard support services

Standard support services

Expanded services including childcare support

This analysis reveals that while our health insurance and retirement plans are competitive within the industry, there are areas such as PTO, professional development, and flexible working arrangements where we can improve to meet or exceed industry standards and better align with employee preferences. Enhancements in these areas could significantly impact our ability to attract and retain top talent. The relatively lower satisfaction with our EAP suggests a need for a more comprehensive approach to employee support services, which could be a differentiating factor in our benefits package.

Employee Needs Assessment

To ensure our perks and benefits align with the evolving needs and preferences of our employees, we conducted a comprehensive needs assessment. This included distributing surveys, holding focus groups, and engaging in one-on-one interviews to gather a wide range of employee perspectives. The assessment aimed to identify what employees value most in their benefits package, areas for improvement, and any gaps between current offerings and employee desires. The results of this assessment are critical for tailoring our perks and benefits to better meet the needs of our workforce and enhance overall job satisfaction and loyalty.

Results of Employee Surveys


Very Satisfied (%)

Satisfied (%)

Neutral (%)

Dis- satisfied (%)

Very Dis- satisfied (%)

Satisfaction with Health Insurance






Satisfaction with Retirement Plans






Satisfaction with PTO






Interest in More Flexible Working Arrangements






Interest in Enhanced Professional Development






Value Placed on Wellness Programs






Satisfaction with Employee Assistance Program






Thematic Analysis of Employee Preferences


Percentage (%)

Flexible Working Arrangements


Professional Development Opportunities


Increased PTO


Comprehensive Wellness Programs


Enhanced EAP Services


Analysis of the Trends

The survey and thematic analysis reveal clear trends in employee preferences and areas for improvement. The high interest in more flexible working arrangements and professional development opportunities indicates a strong desire among employees for benefits that support their work-life balance and career growth. Notably, 80% of employees express a preference for these areas, suggesting that enhancements in these categories could significantly improve employee satisfaction and retention.

The increased PTO is another area where employees are seeking improvements, with 65% indicating a desire for more generous vacation and leave policies. This suggests that revisiting our PTO policy could make our benefits package more competitive and appealing.

Wellness programs also emerged as a valued benefit, with 75% of employees showing interest in more comprehensive wellness initiatives. This aligns with broader industry trends towards prioritizing mental and physical health in the workplace.

The satisfaction levels with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) indicate a need for enhancement, as 35% of employees were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. Improving the EAP could address a critical gap in supporting employee well-being.

Overall, the assessment highlights a need for more flexible work options, enhanced professional development and wellness programs, increased PTO, and a more comprehensive EAP. Addressing these areas could significantly impact our ability to meet employee needs, thereby enhancing our competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent.

Proposed Perks and Benefits

Based on the employee needs assessment, we propose introducing the following perks and benefits to address the key areas of employee interest and improve overall satisfaction and retention. Each proposed perk and benefit has been carefully considered to ensure it aligns with our organizational goals and employee preferences, offering a balanced approach to enhancing our workplace environment.

Enhanced Flexible Working Arrangements

Given the strong demand for more flexibility, we propose expanding our flexible working arrangements to include fully remote work options and a more flexible schedule policy. This would allow employees to tailor their work environment and hours to better fit their personal and professional needs, promoting work-life balance and potentially increasing productivity.

Comprehensive Professional Development Program

To support career growth and skill development, we propose a comprehensive professional development program that includes increased funding for courses and certifications, access to online learning platforms, and dedicated time off for learning. This initiative would empower employees to pursue their career goals within the organization, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

Extended Paid Time Off (PTO)

Responding to the clear preference for increased PTO, we propose enhancing our PTO policy to offer 25 days of PTO per year. This increase would provide employees with more flexibility to manage personal time and responsibilities, leading to improved job satisfaction and work-life balance.

Advanced Wellness Program

To address the desire for more comprehensive wellness support, we propose launching an advanced wellness program that includes mental health days, a broader range of fitness and wellness classes, and access to a wellness app that offers personalized health and wellness coaching. This program aims to support the physical and mental well-being of our employees, contributing to a healthier and more productive workplace.

Cost and Analysis

To assess the financial implications of the proposed perks and benefits, we have conducted a cost analysis. The following table provides an estimate of the annual costs associated with implementing these enhancements.

Proposed Perk/Benefit

Estimated Annual Cost ($)

Enhanced Flexible Working Arrangements


Comprehensive Professional Development Program


Extended Paid Time Off (PTO)


Advanced Wellness Program




Implementing the proposed perks and benefits is expected to lead to several tangible and intangible benefits. Tangible benefits include a projected 15% reduction in turnover rates, which translates to annual savings of approximately $200,000 in recruitment and training costs for new hires. Intangible benefits, though harder to quantify, include improved employee productivity, higher job satisfaction, and enhanced employer branding, which can lead to better talent attraction and retention.

The initial investment in the proposed benefits is substantial; however, the long-term ROI justifies the expenditure. By reducing turnover and enhancing productivity, the proposed perks and benefits could result in net savings and significant improvements in employee engagement and company culture. Moreover, staying competitive in the job market by meeting employee expectations for perks and benefits is crucial for our long-term success and growth.

Implementation Plan

To successfully introduce the proposed perks and benefits, a detailed implementation plan is crucial. This plan outlines the steps required to launch the new initiatives, including timelines and responsibilities. A phased approach will ensure a smooth rollout and allow for adjustments based on initial feedback and logistical considerations.




Finalize and Approve New Perks and Benefits


HR Department

Develop Communication Strategy


HR & Marketing Departments

Update Policies and Procedures


HR Department

Launch Internal Marketing Campaign


Marketing Department

Begin Rollout of Enhanced Flexible Working Arrangements


HR Department

Launch Comprehensive Professional Development Program


HR & Training Departments

Implement Extended Paid Time Off (PTO)


HR Department

Introduce Advanced Wellness Program


HR & Wellness Coordinator

Collect Initial Feedback


HR Department

Make Adjustments Based on Feedback


HR Department

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment


HR Department

Evaluation and Monitoring

To ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the introduced perks and benefits, a robust evaluation and monitoring process is essential. This process will involve tracking specific metrics to assess the impact of the new initiatives on employee satisfaction, retention, and overall company performance. The following table outlines the metrics for evaluation and their target values.


Target Value

Employee Satisfaction with Perks and Benefits

Increase by 20%

Employee Turnover Rate

Decrease by 15%

Usage Rate of Professional Development Benefits

75% of eligible employees

Participation Rate in Wellness Program

60% of employees

Feedback Positivity Rate

80% positive feedback


The feasibility study conducted for the proposed enhancements to our perks and benefits program underscores our commitment to fostering a supportive, engaging, and productive work environment. The proposed perks and benefits, including enhanced flexible working arrangements, a comprehensive professional development program, extended PTO, and an advanced wellness program, are designed to meet the evolving needs and preferences of our employees. The implementation plan and evaluation framework outlined in this study provide a roadmap for introducing these benefits and ensuring their effectiveness. By investing in our employees' well-being and professional growth, we not only enhance our competitiveness as an employer but also contribute to our long-term success and sustainability. Moving forward, we will continue to monitor the impact of these initiatives and make adjustments as necessary to maintain alignment with our organizational goals and employee needs.

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