Free Nursing School Admission Letter Template



Free Nursing School Admission Letter Template

Nursing School Admission Letter

April 26, 2050

Mr. Nathan Standley
4570 Parkway Drive
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

Dear Mr. Standley,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the nursing program at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. After careful consideration and review of your application, which included the assessment of your academic record, personal essay, letters of recommendation, and an interview, our selection committee enthusiastically recommended you for admission.

We appreciate your passion for providing comprehensive care, your commitment to lifelong learning, and your potential to contribute to the rapidly evolving field of nursing. We are certain that the education we provide will serve to enhance these qualities.

The nursing program begins our fall term which starts on September 5, 2050. You will receive additional information soon regarding your schedule, the registration process, and other relevant details. If you have any questions about these processes, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Once again, we congratulate you on your acceptance to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. We are thrilled and look forward to your arrival in September.

Best Regards,

Director of Admissions

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